We can compare the Earth at a table where the men are eating every day of their lives.
Here, at this table are only broccoli, broccoli for breakfast, broccoli lunch, dinner broccoli.
All are convinced that they are the only food in the world, he never fed on the other.
Until a different day each, to all appear before a chocolate pudding labeled with the name of its owner, the only one who can feed themselves. This man
smell the pudding and thinks it is good, but he is not given to know if by that time you can have one every day or if it will be the first and last time I will eat just the dinner lady tells him " Honey, hurry up and gobble otherwise I throw it. "
Now, the man decides to cast his pudding together with banana peels, while his companion, when his momento, decide di nutrirsi del proprio.
Il primo mangerà di broccoli per sempre chiedendosi fino alla morte " chissà di cosa sapeva.." mentre il secondo assaporerà ogni goccia di quel cibo e penserà che esiste davvero quel tipo alto con la barba, sì, Babbo Natale.
Ma quando tornerà a cibarsi di broccoli egli desidererà di non avere mai mangiato il budino perché i broccoli gli sembreranno...broccoli e ogni giorno supplicherà la signora della mensa di averne "solo un' altra goccia!!" ed ella gli risponderà "La verdura è tutta salute, bellezza".
A quell'uomo resterà solo il ricordo del sapore sublime del budino, ricordo che lo tormenterà per tutta la vita bucandogli mente e stomach.
Then which of the two men are happier?
think so and be ready, because you know neither the day nor the hour in which your pudding will be served.
Anna Palaces
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
High Quality Sound Card

"In my opinion the best music is always the one that sounds like
if there had been nothing in writing before it.
If possible, always go back to start from silence "Keith Jarrett
if there had been nothing in writing before it.
If possible, always go back to start from silence "Keith Jarrett
How about one of the greatest musicians of the century?
How about the pianist grew up in the court of Miles Davis, Keith Jarrett?
How about the "Koln Concert", the "concert in Cologne?
How about the greatest jazz piano album in the history of mankind?
What has sold three and a half million copies?
You could start by putting a 'musical-stylistic analysis of the thing but, objectively, what would?
the evening of January 24, 1975, the date of recording the disc, the Opera House in Cologne, who would have imagined that sitting in front of a piano tune, Jarrett would played what is remembered as the greatest improvisation of all time?
Yes, improvisation.
Why is all improvised.
Jarrett has always been famous for this but, in my opinion, with this concert really touched the 'peak.
It 's so perfect "Koln Concert"!
so full of life, joy, infinite sadness.
It 'sad, alive, complex, and at the same time a shocking simplicity.
It seems that the notes you slide on, drench.
you run on the basses, the repeated chords, scales, notes, clean, sweet.
Sixty minutes and six seconds.
I invite you to listen this disc if you have not already done so.
Sixty minutes, six seconds, no more.
I invite you to search for life, to feel every single note as part of something infinite, bigger than you.
invites you to taste, to taste every single piece, like a delicious dish.
I invite you to experience it as all-encompassing experience.
Revenue in the concert in Cologne, camminatevi, commuovetevi, cry.
Someone asked Jarrett to transcribe the "Koln Concert" his answer was that the concert had to go as it came.
I hope the "Concert in Cologne" do not go.
Benedetta Valdesalici
Cyberhome Ch Dvd 300 Avi
Poco tempo fa, mentre ero nel negozio di mia madre a fare finta di lavorare, mi è capitato di ascoltare una conversazione che tra lei e una sua amica, Antonella. Parlando del più e del meno si era lasciata sfuggire una frase interessante: “Sì, beh, io ero terrorizzata…come quando mi sono trovata faccia a faccia con uno squalo vero!”
Voi non vi sareste incuriositi? Naturalmente, chiunque al mondo sogna di vedere uno squalo dal vivo! Almeno io sì, così ho cominciato a farle qualche domanda… ed è saltato fuori che ha fatto un sacco di esperienze entusiasmanti per amore dello sport e soprattutto dell’intensa attività fisica.
Ecco a small account of his sea adventures:
How long did you sub?
For about 10 years. It's beautiful.
believe it! emotions that gave you?
Especially extreme freedom. We live in a society very chaotic. Underwater obviously is the opposite: you're suddenly in a totally different world! Dark, muffled and quiet. In so many feet underwater experiences living in a completely different, more intense, almost. As if the latter were more focused. And then I think it is wonderful to be literally immersed in nature.
I can only imagine the intensity of the experience of meeting a shark, then! Where did you see?
(Laughs) I was Mauritious Islands, with my fellow divers. That was a lemon shark, in English 'lemon shark'. Then I was in the United States and in Polynesia.
And 'the only example that you saw during your various diving?
No, no, I have seen five or six, but on different occasions. In addition, I saw many other fish species. The most beautiful are the clown fish and manta rays.
You said you were with another girl ...
Yes, when you do this kind of sport is important to be at least two. You know, so you can help each other if there are difficult times. It is better to have someone to trust ...
Why, apart from the big fish with big teeth sharp, there may be other dangers, right? Yes
For example ... is very bad to go to nitrogen narcosis. It is also known from deep water intoxication. Practically, it happens very quickly when you go too deep, under 30 feet, so to speak. The tank also contains nitrogen which is a gas that makes up the air we breathe. After it's all a combination of pressure, there being too much outside, the gas inside is compressed in unhealthy for our body.
What effect does it have? Do you think
to be doped. Once this has happened my friend to finish under anesthesia and when we rise to the surface so excited he told me he had seen the blue teddy bear! When it happened to me, I continued to have the impression that the wall of dark water around me that someone was coming the bell rings. Crazy stuff! If you are not experienced you should always follow the live-master, who is the expert who can bring you out.
Apart from anything else, including Mauritius and Polynesia have seen beautiful scenery ...
Yes, you can tell! The coral reef, then, is breathtaking. Especially for the shapes of the corals and their color. In the passage where the coral begins and ends and the real just offshore, the current is very strong due to the tide that comes and goes. Feel the power of its sea. Once I was shaken by a wave straight on corals. Are sharp. He had a leg full of scratches.
But it's worth it?
Yes, I am convinced. these are the experiences that make you understand what life is easy.
For those curious on the subject. Where you could tell more?
Hmm ... well, there should be many sites. I had to do before some courses apnea, etc., to obtain a patent such as SSI [Scuba Schools International ed] that you are recognized around the world.
Chiara Nizzi
Voi non vi sareste incuriositi? Naturalmente, chiunque al mondo sogna di vedere uno squalo dal vivo! Almeno io sì, così ho cominciato a farle qualche domanda… ed è saltato fuori che ha fatto un sacco di esperienze entusiasmanti per amore dello sport e soprattutto dell’intensa attività fisica.
Ecco a small account of his sea adventures:
How long did you sub?
For about 10 years. It's beautiful.
believe it! emotions that gave you?
Especially extreme freedom. We live in a society very chaotic. Underwater obviously is the opposite: you're suddenly in a totally different world! Dark, muffled and quiet. In so many feet underwater experiences living in a completely different, more intense, almost. As if the latter were more focused. And then I think it is wonderful to be literally immersed in nature.
I can only imagine the intensity of the experience of meeting a shark, then! Where did you see?
(Laughs) I was Mauritious Islands, with my fellow divers. That was a lemon shark, in English 'lemon shark'. Then I was in the United States and in Polynesia.
And 'the only example that you saw during your various diving?
No, no, I have seen five or six, but on different occasions. In addition, I saw many other fish species. The most beautiful are the clown fish and manta rays.
You said you were with another girl ...
Yes, when you do this kind of sport is important to be at least two. You know, so you can help each other if there are difficult times. It is better to have someone to trust ...
Why, apart from the big fish with big teeth sharp, there may be other dangers, right? Yes
For example ... is very bad to go to nitrogen narcosis. It is also known from deep water intoxication. Practically, it happens very quickly when you go too deep, under 30 feet, so to speak. The tank also contains nitrogen which is a gas that makes up the air we breathe. After it's all a combination of pressure, there being too much outside, the gas inside is compressed in unhealthy for our body.
What effect does it have? Do you think
to be doped. Once this has happened my friend to finish under anesthesia and when we rise to the surface so excited he told me he had seen the blue teddy bear! When it happened to me, I continued to have the impression that the wall of dark water around me that someone was coming the bell rings. Crazy stuff! If you are not experienced you should always follow the live-master, who is the expert who can bring you out.
Apart from anything else, including Mauritius and Polynesia have seen beautiful scenery ...
Yes, you can tell! The coral reef, then, is breathtaking. Especially for the shapes of the corals and their color. In the passage where the coral begins and ends and the real just offshore, the current is very strong due to the tide that comes and goes. Feel the power of its sea. Once I was shaken by a wave straight on corals. Are sharp. He had a leg full of scratches.
But it's worth it?
Yes, I am convinced. these are the experiences that make you understand what life is easy.
For those curious on the subject. Where you could tell more?
Hmm ... well, there should be many sites. I had to do before some courses apnea, etc., to obtain a patent such as SSI [Scuba Schools International ed] that you are recognized around the world.
Chiara Nizzi
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