Monday, February 2, 2009

Normal Looking Throat

Kill Your Sons

I giovani sono il futuro del mondo… se non li fermiamo prima!”

La scuola. Il futuro di un paese. Temi that in these days, or rather, in recent months have been the focus of political debate, the news and, above all, the massive mobilization of citizens. Perhaps because of the geographical distance from other major institutions and cities, our school seems to be less involved in the debate. If politics can sometimes seem, wrongly I think, a subject away from students, or any subject that we should not talk in school, these measures in the field of public education directly affect us, because we are profoundly modify the schools attending, as they change deeply universities that some of us are going to attend, because the culture and preparation tecnica dei cittadini dipendono la democrazia e il benessere (non solo materiale) del nostro paese.
Dunque, facciamo un po’ d’ordine: quali sono i punti salienti dei provvedimenti contestati?
In primis quelli elaborati più dal ministero dell’Economia che da quello dell’Istruzione: buona parte della cosiddetta “riforma Gelmini” è incentrata sulla ormai celeberrima “razionalizzazione”, ovvero su enormi tagli. Per far questo, nelle scuole, verranno tagliati 87.341 docenti e 44.500 non docenti ( segretari, bidelli, assistenti…) nell’arco di tre anni, riducendo le ore di lezione, aumentando i rapporti alunni/classi e alunni/docenti e, probabilmente, togliendo quasi tutti gli insegnanti di sostegno e le figure di aiuto e di integrazione dell’insegnamento canonico. La riduzione dell’orario colpirà le scuole di ogni ordine e grado riducendo l’orario settimanale in media di tre- quattro ore e sostanzialmente eliminando il tempo pieno alle elementari: dove verranno mantenute le attività pomeridiane, infatti, le ore in più rispetto alle 24 stabilite per legge non saranno curate come quelle scolastiche ordinarie, diventando sostanzialmente più “parcheggi per bambini” che momenti di formazione inseriti in una precisa logica pedagogica.
Nelle scuole elementari, inoltre, escluse le ore di inglese, dovrà essere un solo docente, il famigerato “maestro unico”, to conduct the lessons. Of course, having to cover various areas, will not be able to plan and treat the job with the same precision and efficiency, limited, also because of the short-time working, give only the basic teachings, at the expense of depth, returning to teach in short "reading, writing and arithmetic." Some are in favor of the reintroduction of the single teacher remembers the good old days when everyone was there and learned very well. Even assuming that all pupils have a good education, then the respect for teachers and much larger classes were much more homogeneous. Today, classes are no longer strangers who often need to literacy (and not a ghetto as you're going to do with the class-bridge), the disabled, rightly integrated in classes and no longer relegated to special classes, which probably will be less than the few support teachers now present, and children who have early entry to primary school for a year and that, especially the early years, often with different characteristics by their classmates because of his age. Also, if you happen to a class a teacher incompetent? Five years in which the class would learn little or nothing?
For universities, however, an estimated € 1.4 billion in cuts over five years, will be carried out by progressively reducing the teaching staff with permanent contracts and forcing universities to lower the level of training and / or to seek external funding, thus making foundations.
As there are fewer and fewer jobs for an indefinite period, probably it will boost the risk of "brain drain", as most prepared and competent, not seeing rewarding job opportunities, but only temporary, they will tend to go abroad, even decreasing more the quality of research, which already is sorely tested by the cutting of teachers and resources.
universities are almost forced, along with some schools, come si augura Brunetta, a diventare fondazioni, mettendosi in gara, quindi, per attirare finanziamenti privati. I privati che finanzieranno gli atenei vorranno, però, un tornaconto; chiederanno, quindi, che vengano potenziati i corsi che servono alle loro aziende, togliendo risorse alle facoltà verso cui non hanno interessi, fin quasi a farle scomparire. Se i finanziamenti privati non saranno sufficienti, inoltre, le università dovranno aumentare le tasse e diminuire la qualità e la quantità dei servizi erogati. Al sud, dove entreranno ancor più prepotentemente in campo gli interessi clientelari e mafiosi e ci saranno probabilmente minori finanziamenti privati, le università se non scompariranno, diventeranno di bassissimo level.
These measures more than a rationalization and better quality teaching and training will lead to indiscriminate cuts and a devaluation and destruction of public education. Italy, which is already low in raw materials and can not compete with emerging countries on labor costs, lowering even more the level of research and training of workers will no longer be able to produce products (tangible or not) the latest technology and quality, and its economy, then it will be even more brought to its knees. The public, moreover, having only a superficial formation, can be more easily stunned by television and the ramblings newspapers that are transmitted without being able to understand what is happening.
These measures, in short, will kill our economy, our democracy, our quality of life. Kill our future.
John Sweets


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