Hello guys, you're probably wondering why this new book ...
I answer with a question: "Do you know why many people are unhappy ...?" You might respond: "For work, school ... The real answer, you all know in reality, is love.
People are suffering for love, people do not have problems when they are in love, people can not not love.
The people, however, are often unprepared to love.
Here I go into the game, Dr. G.
My task is to make you fall in love or make you forget a loved one, my job is to open your eyes and show che tutto ciò che bisogna fare è seguire il proprio cuore.
Sono qui per voi e con voi, per aiutarvi e mai per giudicarvi.
Scusate la breve premessa, non vorrei dilungarmi troppo e vorrei farvi leggere una lettera di una certa A.F. che mi scrisse tempo fa.
“Ciao dottor G, ho saputo che aiuti spesso ragazzi e ragazze dispensando consigli e vorrei esporti il mio problema.
Mi sento un po' sciocca a scrivere a una persona che non ho mai incontrato ma… non so più che fare.
C' è un ragazzo che mi piace molto ma ogni volta che lo incrocio mi fa sempre la linguaccia.
Io sorrido e passo avanti, senza voltarmi così da non fargli capire che sono arrossita.
Ma credo lo intuisca visto che I hear the laughter of his friends.
Also there is another problem ... he's 19 years older than me. Help me Dr
G! I'm in your hands. "
Dear AF AF
understand you, I too often I have fallen in love with girls of 19 years ... smaller, it is normal, but I think in your case the boys laugh at you, not your redness .
I also believe that the boy is now doing another more mature, beautiful and intelligent than you.
But do not demoralize, somewhere in the world there is a sweet and romantic guy who is thinking about how to ask you out, so do not worry, do not try it ... you will find that he is (perhaps by .. help.)
not believe it but now I rewrote AF, saying that he found a wonderful guy, and I am grateful for what I did.
You see guys this is the fun part: I did not do anything.
I hope you understand my job and they get many of your letters to the editor of Howl (howl.redazione @ gmail.com).
I will be very happy to answer them.
(Letters can also be anonymous, no matter your name to this column).
Your Doctor G
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