We can compare the Earth at a table where the men are eating every day of their lives.
Here, at this table are only broccoli, broccoli for breakfast, broccoli lunch, dinner broccoli.
All are convinced that they are the only food in the world, he never fed on the other.
Until a different day each, to all appear before a chocolate pudding labeled with the name of its owner, the only one who can feed themselves. This man
smell the pudding and thinks it is good, but he is not given to know if by that time you can have one every day or if it will be the first and last time I will eat just the dinner lady tells him " Honey, hurry up and gobble otherwise I throw it. "
Now, the man decides to cast his pudding together with banana peels, while his companion, when his momento, decide di nutrirsi del proprio.
Il primo mangerà di broccoli per sempre chiedendosi fino alla morte " chissà di cosa sapeva.." mentre il secondo assaporerà ogni goccia di quel cibo e penserà che esiste davvero quel tipo alto con la barba, sì, Babbo Natale.
Ma quando tornerà a cibarsi di broccoli egli desidererà di non avere mai mangiato il budino perché i broccoli gli sembreranno...broccoli e ogni giorno supplicherà la signora della mensa di averne "solo un' altra goccia!!" ed ella gli risponderà "La verdura è tutta salute, bellezza".
A quell'uomo resterà solo il ricordo del sapore sublime del budino, ricordo che lo tormenterà per tutta la vita bucandogli mente e stomach.
Then which of the two men are happier?
think so and be ready, because you know neither the day nor the hour in which your pudding will be served.
Anna Palaces
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
High Quality Sound Card

"In my opinion the best music is always the one that sounds like
if there had been nothing in writing before it.
If possible, always go back to start from silence "Keith Jarrett
if there had been nothing in writing before it.
If possible, always go back to start from silence "Keith Jarrett
How about one of the greatest musicians of the century?
How about the pianist grew up in the court of Miles Davis, Keith Jarrett?
How about the "Koln Concert", the "concert in Cologne?
How about the greatest jazz piano album in the history of mankind?
What has sold three and a half million copies?
You could start by putting a 'musical-stylistic analysis of the thing but, objectively, what would?
the evening of January 24, 1975, the date of recording the disc, the Opera House in Cologne, who would have imagined that sitting in front of a piano tune, Jarrett would played what is remembered as the greatest improvisation of all time?
Yes, improvisation.
Why is all improvised.
Jarrett has always been famous for this but, in my opinion, with this concert really touched the 'peak.
It 's so perfect "Koln Concert"!
so full of life, joy, infinite sadness.
It 'sad, alive, complex, and at the same time a shocking simplicity.
It seems that the notes you slide on, drench.
you run on the basses, the repeated chords, scales, notes, clean, sweet.
Sixty minutes and six seconds.
I invite you to listen this disc if you have not already done so.
Sixty minutes, six seconds, no more.
I invite you to search for life, to feel every single note as part of something infinite, bigger than you.
invites you to taste, to taste every single piece, like a delicious dish.
I invite you to experience it as all-encompassing experience.
Revenue in the concert in Cologne, camminatevi, commuovetevi, cry.
Someone asked Jarrett to transcribe the "Koln Concert" his answer was that the concert had to go as it came.
I hope the "Concert in Cologne" do not go.
Benedetta Valdesalici
Cyberhome Ch Dvd 300 Avi
Poco tempo fa, mentre ero nel negozio di mia madre a fare finta di lavorare, mi è capitato di ascoltare una conversazione che tra lei e una sua amica, Antonella. Parlando del più e del meno si era lasciata sfuggire una frase interessante: “Sì, beh, io ero terrorizzata…come quando mi sono trovata faccia a faccia con uno squalo vero!”
Voi non vi sareste incuriositi? Naturalmente, chiunque al mondo sogna di vedere uno squalo dal vivo! Almeno io sì, così ho cominciato a farle qualche domanda… ed è saltato fuori che ha fatto un sacco di esperienze entusiasmanti per amore dello sport e soprattutto dell’intensa attività fisica.
Ecco a small account of his sea adventures:
How long did you sub?
For about 10 years. It's beautiful.
believe it! emotions that gave you?
Especially extreme freedom. We live in a society very chaotic. Underwater obviously is the opposite: you're suddenly in a totally different world! Dark, muffled and quiet. In so many feet underwater experiences living in a completely different, more intense, almost. As if the latter were more focused. And then I think it is wonderful to be literally immersed in nature.
I can only imagine the intensity of the experience of meeting a shark, then! Where did you see?
(Laughs) I was Mauritious Islands, with my fellow divers. That was a lemon shark, in English 'lemon shark'. Then I was in the United States and in Polynesia.
And 'the only example that you saw during your various diving?
No, no, I have seen five or six, but on different occasions. In addition, I saw many other fish species. The most beautiful are the clown fish and manta rays.
You said you were with another girl ...
Yes, when you do this kind of sport is important to be at least two. You know, so you can help each other if there are difficult times. It is better to have someone to trust ...
Why, apart from the big fish with big teeth sharp, there may be other dangers, right? Yes
For example ... is very bad to go to nitrogen narcosis. It is also known from deep water intoxication. Practically, it happens very quickly when you go too deep, under 30 feet, so to speak. The tank also contains nitrogen which is a gas that makes up the air we breathe. After it's all a combination of pressure, there being too much outside, the gas inside is compressed in unhealthy for our body.
What effect does it have? Do you think
to be doped. Once this has happened my friend to finish under anesthesia and when we rise to the surface so excited he told me he had seen the blue teddy bear! When it happened to me, I continued to have the impression that the wall of dark water around me that someone was coming the bell rings. Crazy stuff! If you are not experienced you should always follow the live-master, who is the expert who can bring you out.
Apart from anything else, including Mauritius and Polynesia have seen beautiful scenery ...
Yes, you can tell! The coral reef, then, is breathtaking. Especially for the shapes of the corals and their color. In the passage where the coral begins and ends and the real just offshore, the current is very strong due to the tide that comes and goes. Feel the power of its sea. Once I was shaken by a wave straight on corals. Are sharp. He had a leg full of scratches.
But it's worth it?
Yes, I am convinced. these are the experiences that make you understand what life is easy.
For those curious on the subject. Where you could tell more?
Hmm ... well, there should be many sites. I had to do before some courses apnea, etc., to obtain a patent such as SSI [Scuba Schools International ed] that you are recognized around the world.
Chiara Nizzi
Voi non vi sareste incuriositi? Naturalmente, chiunque al mondo sogna di vedere uno squalo dal vivo! Almeno io sì, così ho cominciato a farle qualche domanda… ed è saltato fuori che ha fatto un sacco di esperienze entusiasmanti per amore dello sport e soprattutto dell’intensa attività fisica.
Ecco a small account of his sea adventures:
How long did you sub?
For about 10 years. It's beautiful.
believe it! emotions that gave you?
Especially extreme freedom. We live in a society very chaotic. Underwater obviously is the opposite: you're suddenly in a totally different world! Dark, muffled and quiet. In so many feet underwater experiences living in a completely different, more intense, almost. As if the latter were more focused. And then I think it is wonderful to be literally immersed in nature.
I can only imagine the intensity of the experience of meeting a shark, then! Where did you see?
(Laughs) I was Mauritious Islands, with my fellow divers. That was a lemon shark, in English 'lemon shark'. Then I was in the United States and in Polynesia.
And 'the only example that you saw during your various diving?
No, no, I have seen five or six, but on different occasions. In addition, I saw many other fish species. The most beautiful are the clown fish and manta rays.
You said you were with another girl ...
Yes, when you do this kind of sport is important to be at least two. You know, so you can help each other if there are difficult times. It is better to have someone to trust ...
Why, apart from the big fish with big teeth sharp, there may be other dangers, right? Yes
For example ... is very bad to go to nitrogen narcosis. It is also known from deep water intoxication. Practically, it happens very quickly when you go too deep, under 30 feet, so to speak. The tank also contains nitrogen which is a gas that makes up the air we breathe. After it's all a combination of pressure, there being too much outside, the gas inside is compressed in unhealthy for our body.
What effect does it have? Do you think
to be doped. Once this has happened my friend to finish under anesthesia and when we rise to the surface so excited he told me he had seen the blue teddy bear! When it happened to me, I continued to have the impression that the wall of dark water around me that someone was coming the bell rings. Crazy stuff! If you are not experienced you should always follow the live-master, who is the expert who can bring you out.
Apart from anything else, including Mauritius and Polynesia have seen beautiful scenery ...
Yes, you can tell! The coral reef, then, is breathtaking. Especially for the shapes of the corals and their color. In the passage where the coral begins and ends and the real just offshore, the current is very strong due to the tide that comes and goes. Feel the power of its sea. Once I was shaken by a wave straight on corals. Are sharp. He had a leg full of scratches.
But it's worth it?
Yes, I am convinced. these are the experiences that make you understand what life is easy.
For those curious on the subject. Where you could tell more?
Hmm ... well, there should be many sites. I had to do before some courses apnea, etc., to obtain a patent such as SSI [Scuba Schools International ed] that you are recognized around the world.
Chiara Nizzi
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Where Can Herpes Can Survive
Hello guys, you're probably wondering why this new book ...
I answer with a question: "Do you know why many people are unhappy ...?" You might respond: "For work, school ... The real answer, you all know in reality, is love.
People are suffering for love, people do not have problems when they are in love, people can not not love.
The people, however, are often unprepared to love.
Here I go into the game, Dr. G.
My task is to make you fall in love or make you forget a loved one, my job is to open your eyes and show che tutto ciò che bisogna fare è seguire il proprio cuore.
Sono qui per voi e con voi, per aiutarvi e mai per giudicarvi.
Scusate la breve premessa, non vorrei dilungarmi troppo e vorrei farvi leggere una lettera di una certa A.F. che mi scrisse tempo fa.
“Ciao dottor G, ho saputo che aiuti spesso ragazzi e ragazze dispensando consigli e vorrei esporti il mio problema.
Mi sento un po' sciocca a scrivere a una persona che non ho mai incontrato ma… non so più che fare.
C' è un ragazzo che mi piace molto ma ogni volta che lo incrocio mi fa sempre la linguaccia.
Io sorrido e passo avanti, senza voltarmi così da non fargli capire che sono arrossita.
Ma credo lo intuisca visto che I hear the laughter of his friends.
Also there is another problem ... he's 19 years older than me. Help me Dr
G! I'm in your hands. "
Dear AF AF
understand you, I too often I have fallen in love with girls of 19 years ... smaller, it is normal, but I think in your case the boys laugh at you, not your redness .
I also believe that the boy is now doing another more mature, beautiful and intelligent than you.
But do not demoralize, somewhere in the world there is a sweet and romantic guy who is thinking about how to ask you out, so do not worry, do not try it ... you will find that he is (perhaps by .. help.)
not believe it but now I rewrote AF, saying that he found a wonderful guy, and I am grateful for what I did.
You see guys this is the fun part: I did not do anything.
I hope you understand my job and they get many of your letters to the editor of Howl (howl.redazione @
I will be very happy to answer them.
(Letters can also be anonymous, no matter your name to this column).
Your Doctor G
Hello guys, you're probably wondering why this new book ...
I answer with a question: "Do you know why many people are unhappy ...?" You might respond: "For work, school ... The real answer, you all know in reality, is love.
People are suffering for love, people do not have problems when they are in love, people can not not love.
The people, however, are often unprepared to love.
Here I go into the game, Dr. G.
My task is to make you fall in love or make you forget a loved one, my job is to open your eyes and show che tutto ciò che bisogna fare è seguire il proprio cuore.
Sono qui per voi e con voi, per aiutarvi e mai per giudicarvi.
Scusate la breve premessa, non vorrei dilungarmi troppo e vorrei farvi leggere una lettera di una certa A.F. che mi scrisse tempo fa.
“Ciao dottor G, ho saputo che aiuti spesso ragazzi e ragazze dispensando consigli e vorrei esporti il mio problema.
Mi sento un po' sciocca a scrivere a una persona che non ho mai incontrato ma… non so più che fare.
C' è un ragazzo che mi piace molto ma ogni volta che lo incrocio mi fa sempre la linguaccia.
Io sorrido e passo avanti, senza voltarmi così da non fargli capire che sono arrossita.
Ma credo lo intuisca visto che I hear the laughter of his friends.
Also there is another problem ... he's 19 years older than me. Help me Dr
G! I'm in your hands. "
Dear AF AF
understand you, I too often I have fallen in love with girls of 19 years ... smaller, it is normal, but I think in your case the boys laugh at you, not your redness .
I also believe that the boy is now doing another more mature, beautiful and intelligent than you.
But do not demoralize, somewhere in the world there is a sweet and romantic guy who is thinking about how to ask you out, so do not worry, do not try it ... you will find that he is (perhaps by .. help.)
not believe it but now I rewrote AF, saying that he found a wonderful guy, and I am grateful for what I did.
You see guys this is the fun part: I did not do anything.
I hope you understand my job and they get many of your letters to the editor of Howl (howl.redazione @
I will be very happy to answer them.
(Letters can also be anonymous, no matter your name to this column).
Your Doctor G
Jon And Kate Plus 8 Dvd Missing Episodes
1 October 2009: The company welcomes his arms tentacled the long-awaited vaccine against H1N1 influenza. A name that seems
già richiamare paura e insicurezza portando inevitabilmente la gente a credere sempre di più ai mass-media, creatori di una realtà esagerata e allarmista, costruita utilizzando un unico strumento: il terrore.
Sì, esatto, terrore.
Tutte le fonti d’informazione ci hanno bombardato giorno dopo giorno parlandoci di questa nuova influenza che si sta diffondendo in Europa.
Chiunque sa già quali sono gli effetti e da dove viene questo virus, quindi non vi starò ad assillare con informazioni che oramai tutti conoscono; vorrei, però, parlare del nocciolo della questione, di ciò di cui tanto si è detto in questi mesi attendendo ansiosamente la data d’inizio: il via al vaccino contro la temutissima influenza A/H1N1.
The doctors and people working in services were the first to receive the soothing elixir, then it was the turn of the categories "at risk" (the chronically ill and children with severe cardio-respiratory diseases), while young people up to 27 years will have to wait patiently until January 2010.
But the question that sticks to mind is this: What does the vaccine and what are its drawbacks?
Usually the components of vaccines are weakened or killed viruses, but antibiotics and chemicals ... that the vaccine was administered in Italy because of the pandemic does contain a substance called MF59, also known as squalene, which aims to increase response Our body's immune to the disease. Also
Squalene is a substance already present in our bodies and, especially, the nervous system.
This fact would not, in normal circumstances, no reason why the immune system to attack him.
In contrast, when the substance is injected, it has an "abnormal" entry in the body that causes it to be considered harmful by the immune system and, therefore, wherever it is attacked (by the blood to the nervous system) .
Not bad, as the first side effect.
influence creates panic among people unable to read. Remember, however, that all say that the newspapers and the media in general are not absolute truths! It is not information but an insult to human intelligence ... just open any website freely and independently to understand what we are doing yourself!
Then we begin to ask questions, to be critical and active in the world in which we live.
Do you think that this influence is not a business for pharmaceutical companies? Of course he is.
Novartis, the famous Swiss multinational that operates in the pharmaceutical industry responds to market needs, or to all those people who fear the virus.
After numerous requests, the giant pharmaceutical company produced the vaccine in question, of course, without testing it properly poiché il tempo non è stato sufficiente, e a questo ha aggiunto lo squalene che lo rende più potente e permette di venderne una quantità di dosi che risponde maggiormente alle richieste.
Tutto ciò viene fatto per denaro, per quel mercato fittizio creato ovviamente dai media e dall’OMS ingigantendo le insicurezze della società.
Ora vi riporto le parole del Dott. Viera Scheibner: “Lo squalene contribuì alle reazioni a cascata chiamate “Gulf War Syndrome” (sindrome della Guerra del Golfo) documentate nei soldati coinvolti nella guerra del Golfo.
I Sintomi da loro sviluppati includevano: artrite, fibromialgia, adenopatia, irritazioni cutanee fotosensitive, fatica cronica, emicranie chronic, abnormal hair loss, skin lesions is not curable, ulcers mouth ulcers, dizziness, weakness, memory loss, seizures, mood changes, neuropsychiatric problems, thyroid effects, anemia, high erythrocyte sedimentation rate, systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, Sjogren's syndrome, chronic diarrhea, etc.. "
Quite shocking.
and I, we, we should take a vaccine that theoretically prevents a particular virus, but produces all of these side effects?
We have not yet understood that we can not produce a vaccine in just 4 months and you can not test and check in two weeks ...
In any case, this dreaded influenza infection and mortality rate lower than the normal seasonal flu.
Prevention is important: not only good hygiene, but also good nutrition, physical fitness and good documentation.
In about five years, according to the most rabid journalists, we should have to die at least three times: once for mad cow disease, bird flu for another year and then for swine fever.
So you spend months in which there is nothing to talk about new viruses that will lead man toward an uncertain future and disastrous past a certain number of months is enough, do not talk about it anymore, and that specific bacillus is set aside and forgotten, as if he had been banished from the face of the earth. And we are
here, silent, motionless to accept this reality as false and hypocritical, so obviously deceitful.
It's time to give us a cut to this policy of terror, the spectra of the company are not only the pandemic and the vaccine but are quite different and we have them here before our eyes. Perhaps realizing that they are too close to them.
Sara Fabbiani.
Sources: "Terrans"
1 October 2009: The company welcomes his arms tentacled the long-awaited vaccine against H1N1 influenza. A name that seems
già richiamare paura e insicurezza portando inevitabilmente la gente a credere sempre di più ai mass-media, creatori di una realtà esagerata e allarmista, costruita utilizzando un unico strumento: il terrore.
Sì, esatto, terrore.
Tutte le fonti d’informazione ci hanno bombardato giorno dopo giorno parlandoci di questa nuova influenza che si sta diffondendo in Europa.
Chiunque sa già quali sono gli effetti e da dove viene questo virus, quindi non vi starò ad assillare con informazioni che oramai tutti conoscono; vorrei, però, parlare del nocciolo della questione, di ciò di cui tanto si è detto in questi mesi attendendo ansiosamente la data d’inizio: il via al vaccino contro la temutissima influenza A/H1N1.
The doctors and people working in services were the first to receive the soothing elixir, then it was the turn of the categories "at risk" (the chronically ill and children with severe cardio-respiratory diseases), while young people up to 27 years will have to wait patiently until January 2010.
But the question that sticks to mind is this: What does the vaccine and what are its drawbacks?
Usually the components of vaccines are weakened or killed viruses, but antibiotics and chemicals ... that the vaccine was administered in Italy because of the pandemic does contain a substance called MF59, also known as squalene, which aims to increase response Our body's immune to the disease. Also
Squalene is a substance already present in our bodies and, especially, the nervous system.
This fact would not, in normal circumstances, no reason why the immune system to attack him.
In contrast, when the substance is injected, it has an "abnormal" entry in the body that causes it to be considered harmful by the immune system and, therefore, wherever it is attacked (by the blood to the nervous system) .
Not bad, as the first side effect.
influence creates panic among people unable to read. Remember, however, that all say that the newspapers and the media in general are not absolute truths! It is not information but an insult to human intelligence ... just open any website freely and independently to understand what we are doing yourself!
Then we begin to ask questions, to be critical and active in the world in which we live.
Do you think that this influence is not a business for pharmaceutical companies? Of course he is.
Novartis, the famous Swiss multinational that operates in the pharmaceutical industry responds to market needs, or to all those people who fear the virus.
After numerous requests, the giant pharmaceutical company produced the vaccine in question, of course, without testing it properly poiché il tempo non è stato sufficiente, e a questo ha aggiunto lo squalene che lo rende più potente e permette di venderne una quantità di dosi che risponde maggiormente alle richieste.
Tutto ciò viene fatto per denaro, per quel mercato fittizio creato ovviamente dai media e dall’OMS ingigantendo le insicurezze della società.
Ora vi riporto le parole del Dott. Viera Scheibner: “Lo squalene contribuì alle reazioni a cascata chiamate “Gulf War Syndrome” (sindrome della Guerra del Golfo) documentate nei soldati coinvolti nella guerra del Golfo.
I Sintomi da loro sviluppati includevano: artrite, fibromialgia, adenopatia, irritazioni cutanee fotosensitive, fatica cronica, emicranie chronic, abnormal hair loss, skin lesions is not curable, ulcers mouth ulcers, dizziness, weakness, memory loss, seizures, mood changes, neuropsychiatric problems, thyroid effects, anemia, high erythrocyte sedimentation rate, systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, Sjogren's syndrome, chronic diarrhea, etc.. "
Quite shocking.
and I, we, we should take a vaccine that theoretically prevents a particular virus, but produces all of these side effects?
We have not yet understood that we can not produce a vaccine in just 4 months and you can not test and check in two weeks ...
In any case, this dreaded influenza infection and mortality rate lower than the normal seasonal flu.
Prevention is important: not only good hygiene, but also good nutrition, physical fitness and good documentation.
In about five years, according to the most rabid journalists, we should have to die at least three times: once for mad cow disease, bird flu for another year and then for swine fever.
So you spend months in which there is nothing to talk about new viruses that will lead man toward an uncertain future and disastrous past a certain number of months is enough, do not talk about it anymore, and that specific bacillus is set aside and forgotten, as if he had been banished from the face of the earth. And we are
here, silent, motionless to accept this reality as false and hypocritical, so obviously deceitful.
It's time to give us a cut to this policy of terror, the spectra of the company are not only the pandemic and the vaccine but are quite different and we have them here before our eyes. Perhaps realizing that they are too close to them.
Sara Fabbiani.
Sources: "Terrans"
The Sims 3 World Adventures Third Relic
He stood there, petrified with fear, looking to burn his village. He had nothing left, no parents or brothers or friends. A few dozen miles to the east had a small house, with a little 'hay on which to sleep and little to eat. He did not know what had happened. He had just returned from a little hunting, but without having captured any prey. Altran, the sole survivor of the tribe of the hawk, he knew at that moment, the only thing he could do was get out of the clearing burning, run away and remove forever from his mind the terrible scene which was witnessing. But he could not move. It was as if someone was holding tight to his feet, two hands as if they did not want to run away, as if there was anyone still in the midst of the small huts burning.
He knew he must move to the east, beyond the small river, where he had a small stone hut, the last and the same thing he had left, otherwise the flames would have reached very soon.
"What should I do?" - Kept repeating - "What happened to my family? Because everything is burning? Who was doing all this? ". He did not know how to react and even how to move ... it was in a panic and the fire was now a few dozen yards away.
"I have to run now, or will be the end for me!"
finally managed to take a few steps, then began to run faster and faster, with tears streaming down her cheeks and then disperse after him. Do not stop running, although my legs were trembling. Took no direction. It was enough to just run, run away to safety.
All of a sudden, he heard a voice saying:
"Run Altran! Run! "
That voice was not alien. Along with it came also other strange appearances, all family members. The voices spoke the more he ran, and never fall or slow down.
Then he saw a silhouette in the distance. It was a real person? It was only the fruit of his imagination? Altran tried to call that person, but it showed no signs of life. It was now very close, was dressed in white, with long brown hair.
"Mom!" And Altran
The person had less than two meters away. Within moments, they found themselves face to face Altran and was sure that this was his mother. He made a shot, to embrace her, but she put her hand right in front of him and said
then vanished into thin air. Altran knew what his mother told him, "aeoin" was the name of the falcon totem of his tribe. Strange legends revolved around the totem and one of them said that if a person had need, aeoin the meeting would come, whatever was his situation.
"The Mount of Flight! That's where you find the totem! "In a few moments
walked on, with hope toward the Mount of Flight.
-End Part-
Andrea Dallari
Denise Milani Surgery?
you want to go abroad to experience but you're not fully convinced?
you like to discover a different world from that came from? Howl
brings experience as a testimony of a fellow of the Institute.
China has become a place in the collective consisting of a blend of urban legends, many prejudices and false beliefs.
How many times have we heard "The Chinese are all equal", "China is just a big factory !"..?
This is because the West has always preferred to exorcise the reality rather than deal with it.
We can then arrive at the concept di “xenofobia” (Xeno=straniero, Fobia=paura) ossia la paura del diverso che è superabile soltanto attraverso la conoscenza, la possibilità di mettere alla luce le diversità per capirle ed accettarle.
Il racconto che vi portiamo è quello di Francesca Triglia, giunta ormai all’ultimo anno del liceo scientifico, e tornata da poco in Italia dopo 10 mesi trascorsi nello Stato asiatico.
Ha risieduto nel capoluogo di una regione situata a nord-est della Cina, al confine con la Russia e la Mongolia e si ritiene soddisfatta del livello linguistico raggiunto, dimostrandosi modesta con un “ma avrei potuto fare anche meglio”.
Si è esposta in maniera decisamente orgogliosa e realizzata rispetto alla sua esperienza, si è trovata molto bene con la gente del posto definendoli disponibili e molto accoglienti.
Nonostante le notevoli differenze rispetto al nostro Paese, a partire da quelle a livello scolastico, non ha trovato alcuna difficoltà nell’ambientarsi, al contrario del pensiero comune.
Ha stretto forti amicizie con molte persone e, grazie ad Internet, ha ancora la possibilità di mantenere i rapporti.
“ E’ stato difficoltoso ambientarsi ?”
“No, al contrario di quello che si pensa solitamente. I cinesi sono carini!Come modo di fare intendo.. “
“ Cosa ti è mancato dell’Italia?Di casa tua ?”
"Nothing," "What will you miss most about China?"
"Certainly friends, then the school and the food is really delicious!"
" Could you describe a typical day?"
"My day was pretty long and intense.
Wake up at 5:30, I was at school at 7.00 to 19.00 with a lunch break of 45 minutes and then go home and study until about midnight "
" What did you learn about yourself during this trip? "
"When you make this kind of experience you always learn something, I learned to get along, because they are things that, before trying, lead to think: "I'll never make it!", then you are in and we've learned to rush yourself. "
" How do you think this experience is going to affect your future? "
" Well, my aspiration would be to go to work there, or in a marketing or in hospitals. When I was there I even got a job at a hospital! "
" Now you are to host a foreign guy, the German at home. How are you going to this other experience? "
" I would say well if you would call a challenge. "
Now you feel ready to go or are you more confused?
Hoping to have been helpful,
Giulia Bedini.
you want to go abroad to experience but you're not fully convinced?
you like to discover a different world from that came from? Howl
brings experience as a testimony of a fellow of the Institute.
China has become a place in the collective consisting of a blend of urban legends, many prejudices and false beliefs.
How many times have we heard "The Chinese are all equal", "China is just a big factory !"..?
This is because the West has always preferred to exorcise the reality rather than deal with it.
We can then arrive at the concept di “xenofobia” (Xeno=straniero, Fobia=paura) ossia la paura del diverso che è superabile soltanto attraverso la conoscenza, la possibilità di mettere alla luce le diversità per capirle ed accettarle.
Il racconto che vi portiamo è quello di Francesca Triglia, giunta ormai all’ultimo anno del liceo scientifico, e tornata da poco in Italia dopo 10 mesi trascorsi nello Stato asiatico.
Ha risieduto nel capoluogo di una regione situata a nord-est della Cina, al confine con la Russia e la Mongolia e si ritiene soddisfatta del livello linguistico raggiunto, dimostrandosi modesta con un “ma avrei potuto fare anche meglio”.
Si è esposta in maniera decisamente orgogliosa e realizzata rispetto alla sua esperienza, si è trovata molto bene con la gente del posto definendoli disponibili e molto accoglienti.
Nonostante le notevoli differenze rispetto al nostro Paese, a partire da quelle a livello scolastico, non ha trovato alcuna difficoltà nell’ambientarsi, al contrario del pensiero comune.
Ha stretto forti amicizie con molte persone e, grazie ad Internet, ha ancora la possibilità di mantenere i rapporti.
“ E’ stato difficoltoso ambientarsi ?”
“No, al contrario di quello che si pensa solitamente. I cinesi sono carini!Come modo di fare intendo.. “
“ Cosa ti è mancato dell’Italia?Di casa tua ?”
"Nothing," "What will you miss most about China?"
"Certainly friends, then the school and the food is really delicious!"
" Could you describe a typical day?"
"My day was pretty long and intense.
Wake up at 5:30, I was at school at 7.00 to 19.00 with a lunch break of 45 minutes and then go home and study until about midnight "
" What did you learn about yourself during this trip? "
"When you make this kind of experience you always learn something, I learned to get along, because they are things that, before trying, lead to think: "I'll never make it!", then you are in and we've learned to rush yourself. "
" How do you think this experience is going to affect your future? "
" Well, my aspiration would be to go to work there, or in a marketing or in hospitals. When I was there I even got a job at a hospital! "
" Now you are to host a foreign guy, the German at home. How are you going to this other experience? "
" I would say well if you would call a challenge. "
Now you feel ready to go or are you more confused?
Hoping to have been helpful,
Giulia Bedini.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Snowmobile Salvage Yards Michigan
last number
Howl The last year has been felt more than ever, with articles super loads and still want to scream, to continue to scream louder and louder.
Now a moment of summer break, returning in September full of crazy ideas, funny, crazy, new, hilarious, brilliant ..... to tell our next adventure.
---> But in the meantime let's enjoy the Summer <---
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Sushine Raisin Biscuit
Almost ... HOWL
almost designed to guarantee the right result almost fit to sit in a car equipped with standard Most suitable schools with crucifixes on the walls to suit clubs like cages Almost Almost suitable for an animal to fall for short hair to suit almost
tell others about their dicks
Almost ... Almost ...
Almost ... Almost ...
Almost punches taken to keep them or view up to intimidate Almost a football referee to give up their fantasies to suit almost solve everything with a bank robbery
Almost ... Almost ...
Almost ... Almost ...
Almost ... Almost ... Almost ... Almost to push the wheels over duecentoeventi Almost to give proper weight to the feelings
Almost ... Almost ...
Lyric of Tarma.
in two words shows how to us, how we live, how we see the world.
not generalize that's why dobbaimo
redeem us in some way, say NO! I do not feel well, and I think
Howl is a good starting point.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Melatonin Interactions Paxil
HOWL NUMBER 8 is among us!
.......... and NUMBER 9 pawing, kicking, screaming, but inevitably also in need of your words, your ink, your desire to write articles brimming with madness, madness, happiness, love, anger .....
so do not expect anything but your hand,
them on the sheet, ready to write.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Gay Bowling Alleys In Houston
Editorial .... and we are at seven .... A semi-serious
New year, new number. Howl is back with a great desire to be read and a clear voice to scream again, trying to make themselves heard above the deafening noise of everyday life. For the third consecutive year, we are faced with a "number one": it is significant that.
While the first year, with little time available, he used to create the project and start the engine, we have tested in the second run in sometimes difficult but still fun and hopefully constructive. This year, we start with different assumptions: the wording has been built and is quite stable, Howl has already made a name at school (and, in part, out of school) and our only task is to continue down the path set. A few words before you start with the magazine itself: thanks and review of the rules! First we want to thank Damiano Razzoli, creator of the project and our spiritual guide through the intricate maze of journalism, then Dorothy Pignedoli, our old "boss" who left us to continue studies. Exclusively with these two people are still here today to talk about Howl, then chapeau! The review of the rules is simple: Howl is a magazine for all students Cattaneo - Dall'Aglio, then anyone is free to write in respect of the dignity of other people and good culture. The writing of Howl merely act as a "copy-paste" of articles, without ideological selections: it logically follows that the newspaper is non-partisan (but not apolitical) and that in itself does not endorse any color or ideal. Precisely for the above principles, Howl accepts any contribution signed and not vulgar, without requiring a complaint of any kind: the only intervention on the contributions of readers will simply be a correction of grammatical items, and letters will be left as they are sent there. Without That said let's start with the best hopes for this year, accompanied only by a small, bad feeling, we are surviving on turnover of editors, the distribution of questionnaires, leaflets "anonymous" attacks on politicians and public vilification, but we can not survive Daniel Petrone as a PR. This too is beyond our capabilities.
Giuliano Gabrini
New year, new number. Howl is back with a great desire to be read and a clear voice to scream again, trying to make themselves heard above the deafening noise of everyday life. For the third consecutive year, we are faced with a "number one": it is significant that.
While the first year, with little time available, he used to create the project and start the engine, we have tested in the second run in sometimes difficult but still fun and hopefully constructive. This year, we start with different assumptions: the wording has been built and is quite stable, Howl has already made a name at school (and, in part, out of school) and our only task is to continue down the path set. A few words before you start with the magazine itself: thanks and review of the rules! First we want to thank Damiano Razzoli, creator of the project and our spiritual guide through the intricate maze of journalism, then Dorothy Pignedoli, our old "boss" who left us to continue studies. Exclusively with these two people are still here today to talk about Howl, then chapeau! The review of the rules is simple: Howl is a magazine for all students Cattaneo - Dall'Aglio, then anyone is free to write in respect of the dignity of other people and good culture. The writing of Howl merely act as a "copy-paste" of articles, without ideological selections: it logically follows that the newspaper is non-partisan (but not apolitical) and that in itself does not endorse any color or ideal. Precisely for the above principles, Howl accepts any contribution signed and not vulgar, without requiring a complaint of any kind: the only intervention on the contributions of readers will simply be a correction of grammatical items, and letters will be left as they are sent there. Without That said let's start with the best hopes for this year, accompanied only by a small, bad feeling, we are surviving on turnover of editors, the distribution of questionnaires, leaflets "anonymous" attacks on politicians and public vilification, but we can not survive Daniel Petrone as a PR. This too is beyond our capabilities.
Giuliano Gabrini
Anxiety Medication For Anorexia
I: Name and surname?
L: Luca "Luke Jack" Dallari.
I: Many people say that you were elected only for your physical beauty, what do you say?
L: Do you see that cool to have that fear?
I: What are your goals as a student representative?
L: Follow the dots and make people laugh my constituents.
I: In many you populism, what do you think?
L: What the hell is populism?!
I: Do you think our school needs radical changes?
L: I do not think, I think it should be more autonomous, that it should not be influenced from outside, but overall is pretty good.
I: What do you think of the facts that are covering the Italian school lately?
L: I think the school should find an efficient and stable, and then maintain it, not caring for reform and more.
I: What do you think of this year's school elections, in which there were lists more similar to each other and many idiotic?
L: I think in a world in which just raise her head to cry it takes a stupid laugh.
I: It is therefore considered stupid enough to make us laugh?
L: (singing answered "Hakuna Matata" accompanied by choreography, which manages to laugh at the editor in question)
I: Is there something I asked you and you'd tell me?
L: (singing to the soundtrack of Star Wars and hops Paciocco to think about it) Nutella, Nutella, Chitarra, Nutella, Nutella, Chitarra, Nutella. Che cosa significa “amare”?
I: Aspre, non dolci.
L: Ma vedi d’annattene…
I: Nome e cognome?
G: Giuliano e Gabrini.
I: Perché pensi di essere stato eletto?
G: Me lo sto ancora chiedendo.
I: Quali sono i tuoi obbiettivi come rappresentate degli studenti?
G: Riportare sul giornalino ciò di cui si parla in consiglio d’istituto, partecipare attivamente al consiglio d’istituto, organizzare un buon monteore e abolire l’ICI sulla prima classe.
I: In molti ti tacciano di populismo, cosa rispondi?
G: E’ un’invenzione di voi giornalisti dell’opposizione.
I: La tua lista è sembrata un po’ snob nelle idee e negli atteggiamenti, cosa ne pensi?
G: La nostra lista ha detto quello che pensava. Gli elettori erano liberi di non votarci. Se in molti ci hanno votato vuol dire che condividevano le nostre idee.
I: Pensi che la nostra scuola abbia bisogno di cambiamenti radicali?
G: Probabilmente no, i cambiamenti radicali devono riguardare gli esterni che si intromettono all’interno.
I: Cosa ne pensi dei fatti che stanno riguardando la scuola italiana negli ultimi tempi?
G: Che non sono perfettamente informato, quindi non mi permetto di esprimere un giudizio.
I: Cosa ne do you think of this year's school elections, in which there were more and more similar to each other lists and many idiotic?
G: There is much to think, until it will establish a committee of cutting lists is normal to happen like that.
I: Is there something I asked you and you'd tell me?
G: It 's fun to be interviewed by the newspaper to which you are editor.
I: So there is a conflict of interest ...
G: What conflict of interest! I was misunderstood, I was misunderstood!
I: Name and surname?
M: Matteo Merlini.
I: Why do you think to have been elected?
M: Because I'm cool.
I: It 's about the same answer I gave Luke Dallari
... M: But mine is based.
I: What are your goals as a student representative?
M: I has nothing to do with my list. I was planning to make a list on my own, asked me if I wanted to be part of their list as a prime candidate. I said, 'Do what you like, so I am elected. ". Already last year I was threatened, I went up this year.
I: Do you think our school needs radical changes?
M: Well, no, no radical, minor changes.
I: What do you think of the facts which are covering la scuola italiana negli ultimi tempi?
M: Io non condivido molti punti della riforma Gelmini, ma alcuni secondo me sono giusti.
I: Quali sono quelli che condividi?
M: Abolire tante facoltà universitarie inutili e tagliare il personale ATA.
I: Cosa ne pensi delle elezioni scolastiche di quest’anno, in cui ci sono state liste sempre più simili fra loro e molte demenziali?
M: La mia lista era la più seria di tutte. C’erano liste veramente poco serie: questo mi fa male al cuore.
I: Puoi dirci qualcosa sulla proposta del sottopassaggio?
M: C’è stato consigliato un porticato: la spesa per il sottopassaggio è troppo elevata. In consiglio di istituto han detto che the school will arrive in February with no money, so it will be difficult ...
(Arriva a fly dying)
M: E 'in difficulty ...
I: Is there something I asked you and you'd tell me?
M: I would give more power to the Barbers and more consideration to the surveyors. Eternal loyalty to the vice!
I: Name and surname?
M: Matteo Zanotti.
I: Why do you think you were elected?
M: sympathy more than anything else, friendship. Maybe they enjoyed the points list, but it was more for sympathy.
I: What are your goals as a student representative?
M: A nice monteore, con gente interessata non nei corridoi, e una sicurezza efficiente. Sono disposto a sentire tutti i problemi e andare incontro alle problematiche.
I: Pensi che la nostra scuola abbia bisogno di cambiamenti radicali?
M: No.
I: Cosa ne pensi dei fatti che stanno riguardando la scuola italiana negli ultimi tempi?
M: Non sono d’accordo con le maniere: non sono giuste le occupazioni, bisogna parlarne con gente competente.
I: Dato prima dell’intervista stavi parlando dell’ora di religione con Gabrini, che pensi riguardo a questo tema?
M: Penso che sia fondamentale difendere l’identità cattolica. Non sono praticante ma per me è una cosa giusta.
I: Ma la nostra costituzione sancisce che non ci siano differenze fra religioni al cospetto dello Stato…
M: Sarò anticostituzionale…
I: “Per una scuola più pulita” a molti è sembrato uno slogan razzista…
M: Ci sono stati dei problemi perché abbiamo cambiato nome… Doveva sostenerci la Lega, ma i volantini sono arrivati tardi e abbiamo dato un nome alla lista senza darci peso. Mi dispiace che sia stato inteso come razzista.
I: Cosa ne pensi delle elezioni scolastiche di quest’anno, in cui ci sono state liste sempre più simili fra loro e molte sono state demenziali?
M: Le elezioni sono sempre più un motivo per perdere tempo. Secondo me non è giusto questo modo di affrontarle. Il rappresentate degli studenti è una persona importante a scuola e quindi dovrebbe essere un minimo qualificato e competente.
I: C’è qualcosa che non ti ho chiesto e che vorresti dirmi?
M: Posso chiederti cosa pensi della mia lista? Dei tanti voti che abbiamo preso?
I: Senza scendere in merito alle idee del partito, penso non sia giusto che una lista scolastica si appoggi direttamente a un partito, dato che non se ne possono realizzare i punti principali a scuola. La vostra lista rischia di essere eletta più per appartenenza politica che per i punti e le persone. Anche voi, inoltre, avete messo qualche punto demenziale come le ragazze di miss Padania. In quanto ai voti…ognuno è libero di votare come they like.
M: support for a party can help to better organize a few things we bet on political debates, I think it's fair to bring the policy in school, do not you? Miss Padania was just a joke that there may be a list.
I: I agree with the policy in school, I think is important, but you can also do without the support of a party: the support of a party may only bring a negative effect on a debate.
* The respondent was asked to do a grammar review interlocutor and editor, who nevertheless tried to follow as closely as possible to the original text.
John Sweets
I: Name and surname?
L: Luca "Luke Jack" Dallari.
I: Many people say that you were elected only for your physical beauty, what do you say?
L: Do you see that cool to have that fear?
I: What are your goals as a student representative?
L: Follow the dots and make people laugh my constituents.
I: In many you populism, what do you think?
L: What the hell is populism?!
I: Do you think our school needs radical changes?
L: I do not think, I think it should be more autonomous, that it should not be influenced from outside, but overall is pretty good.
I: What do you think of the facts that are covering the Italian school lately?
L: I think the school should find an efficient and stable, and then maintain it, not caring for reform and more.
I: What do you think of this year's school elections, in which there were lists more similar to each other and many idiotic?
L: I think in a world in which just raise her head to cry it takes a stupid laugh.
I: It is therefore considered stupid enough to make us laugh?
L: (singing answered "Hakuna Matata" accompanied by choreography, which manages to laugh at the editor in question)
I: Is there something I asked you and you'd tell me?
L: (singing to the soundtrack of Star Wars and hops Paciocco to think about it) Nutella, Nutella, Chitarra, Nutella, Nutella, Chitarra, Nutella. Che cosa significa “amare”?
I: Aspre, non dolci.
L: Ma vedi d’annattene…
I: Nome e cognome?
G: Giuliano e Gabrini.
I: Perché pensi di essere stato eletto?
G: Me lo sto ancora chiedendo.
I: Quali sono i tuoi obbiettivi come rappresentate degli studenti?
G: Riportare sul giornalino ciò di cui si parla in consiglio d’istituto, partecipare attivamente al consiglio d’istituto, organizzare un buon monteore e abolire l’ICI sulla prima classe.
I: In molti ti tacciano di populismo, cosa rispondi?
G: E’ un’invenzione di voi giornalisti dell’opposizione.
I: La tua lista è sembrata un po’ snob nelle idee e negli atteggiamenti, cosa ne pensi?
G: La nostra lista ha detto quello che pensava. Gli elettori erano liberi di non votarci. Se in molti ci hanno votato vuol dire che condividevano le nostre idee.
I: Pensi che la nostra scuola abbia bisogno di cambiamenti radicali?
G: Probabilmente no, i cambiamenti radicali devono riguardare gli esterni che si intromettono all’interno.
I: Cosa ne pensi dei fatti che stanno riguardando la scuola italiana negli ultimi tempi?
G: Che non sono perfettamente informato, quindi non mi permetto di esprimere un giudizio.
I: Cosa ne do you think of this year's school elections, in which there were more and more similar to each other lists and many idiotic?
G: There is much to think, until it will establish a committee of cutting lists is normal to happen like that.
I: Is there something I asked you and you'd tell me?
G: It 's fun to be interviewed by the newspaper to which you are editor.
I: So there is a conflict of interest ...
G: What conflict of interest! I was misunderstood, I was misunderstood!
I: Name and surname?
M: Matteo Merlini.
I: Why do you think to have been elected?
M: Because I'm cool.
I: It 's about the same answer I gave Luke Dallari
... M: But mine is based.
I: What are your goals as a student representative?
M: I has nothing to do with my list. I was planning to make a list on my own, asked me if I wanted to be part of their list as a prime candidate. I said, 'Do what you like, so I am elected. ". Already last year I was threatened, I went up this year.
I: Do you think our school needs radical changes?
M: Well, no, no radical, minor changes.
I: What do you think of the facts which are covering la scuola italiana negli ultimi tempi?
M: Io non condivido molti punti della riforma Gelmini, ma alcuni secondo me sono giusti.
I: Quali sono quelli che condividi?
M: Abolire tante facoltà universitarie inutili e tagliare il personale ATA.
I: Cosa ne pensi delle elezioni scolastiche di quest’anno, in cui ci sono state liste sempre più simili fra loro e molte demenziali?
M: La mia lista era la più seria di tutte. C’erano liste veramente poco serie: questo mi fa male al cuore.
I: Puoi dirci qualcosa sulla proposta del sottopassaggio?
M: C’è stato consigliato un porticato: la spesa per il sottopassaggio è troppo elevata. In consiglio di istituto han detto che the school will arrive in February with no money, so it will be difficult ...
(Arriva a fly dying)
M: E 'in difficulty ...
I: Is there something I asked you and you'd tell me?
M: I would give more power to the Barbers and more consideration to the surveyors. Eternal loyalty to the vice!
I: Name and surname?
M: Matteo Zanotti.
I: Why do you think you were elected?
M: sympathy more than anything else, friendship. Maybe they enjoyed the points list, but it was more for sympathy.
I: What are your goals as a student representative?
M: A nice monteore, con gente interessata non nei corridoi, e una sicurezza efficiente. Sono disposto a sentire tutti i problemi e andare incontro alle problematiche.
I: Pensi che la nostra scuola abbia bisogno di cambiamenti radicali?
M: No.
I: Cosa ne pensi dei fatti che stanno riguardando la scuola italiana negli ultimi tempi?
M: Non sono d’accordo con le maniere: non sono giuste le occupazioni, bisogna parlarne con gente competente.
I: Dato prima dell’intervista stavi parlando dell’ora di religione con Gabrini, che pensi riguardo a questo tema?
M: Penso che sia fondamentale difendere l’identità cattolica. Non sono praticante ma per me è una cosa giusta.
I: Ma la nostra costituzione sancisce che non ci siano differenze fra religioni al cospetto dello Stato…
M: Sarò anticostituzionale…
I: “Per una scuola più pulita” a molti è sembrato uno slogan razzista…
M: Ci sono stati dei problemi perché abbiamo cambiato nome… Doveva sostenerci la Lega, ma i volantini sono arrivati tardi e abbiamo dato un nome alla lista senza darci peso. Mi dispiace che sia stato inteso come razzista.
I: Cosa ne pensi delle elezioni scolastiche di quest’anno, in cui ci sono state liste sempre più simili fra loro e molte sono state demenziali?
M: Le elezioni sono sempre più un motivo per perdere tempo. Secondo me non è giusto questo modo di affrontarle. Il rappresentate degli studenti è una persona importante a scuola e quindi dovrebbe essere un minimo qualificato e competente.
I: C’è qualcosa che non ti ho chiesto e che vorresti dirmi?
M: Posso chiederti cosa pensi della mia lista? Dei tanti voti che abbiamo preso?
I: Senza scendere in merito alle idee del partito, penso non sia giusto che una lista scolastica si appoggi direttamente a un partito, dato che non se ne possono realizzare i punti principali a scuola. La vostra lista rischia di essere eletta più per appartenenza politica che per i punti e le persone. Anche voi, inoltre, avete messo qualche punto demenziale come le ragazze di miss Padania. In quanto ai voti…ognuno è libero di votare come they like.
M: support for a party can help to better organize a few things we bet on political debates, I think it's fair to bring the policy in school, do not you? Miss Padania was just a joke that there may be a list.
I: I agree with the policy in school, I think is important, but you can also do without the support of a party: the support of a party may only bring a negative effect on a debate.
* The respondent was asked to do a grammar review interlocutor and editor, who nevertheless tried to follow as closely as possible to the original text.
John Sweets
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New world
November 4, 2008.
Remember well this time and this great event, which will influence the world: Barack Obama is the new president of the United States, is the first black president in American history major. Gone are the decades of the two most influential families like the Clintons and the Bushes, now turns the page. This election will be remembered in history, not only because it was voted an African-American president, but also for the highest number of votes present. Obama will become president effective only on January 20 next year, when sworn in before the White House, they will be the most difficult task, picking up the difficult legacy of the Bush administration, which began with an unjust war and an end to the economic crisis that affected the world so à disastrous. Obama proposes specific points, but difficult to achieve, is committed to withdrawing troops from Iraq, to \u200b\u200bmake public health (if you do not have insurance in America, you have no chance of cure) and help in the economic policy most needy families and the middle class (in America there are 4 million poor people, and many are losing their home, with the subprime mortgages). The world rejoices, someone is left disappointed go to disparaging jokes like: "it is young, handsome and tanned." The TV around the world have ill-treated for two years, we have continuously informed and kept in suspense until the last, but in the end Obama, I must say the president is a bit 'of us all, because the world depends on the future U.S.. He brought a breath of youth, and recalls a bit 'of Kennedy 60 years. Also I am happy for this victory, even if there is a concern due to factors of race, Obama is likely, 4 years is a long and anything can happen, because America is a developed country but full of contradictions. His election will also be a help to the policy that often vede col fumo negli occhi le politiche di integrazione, questo avvenimento può dare una spinta a risolvere i problemi dei flussi migratori e alla convivenza civile con le varie culture.
Sebastiano Beretti
November 4, 2008.
Remember well this time and this great event, which will influence the world: Barack Obama is the new president of the United States, is the first black president in American history major. Gone are the decades of the two most influential families like the Clintons and the Bushes, now turns the page. This election will be remembered in history, not only because it was voted an African-American president, but also for the highest number of votes present. Obama will become president effective only on January 20 next year, when sworn in before the White House, they will be the most difficult task, picking up the difficult legacy of the Bush administration, which began with an unjust war and an end to the economic crisis that affected the world so à disastrous. Obama proposes specific points, but difficult to achieve, is committed to withdrawing troops from Iraq, to \u200b\u200bmake public health (if you do not have insurance in America, you have no chance of cure) and help in the economic policy most needy families and the middle class (in America there are 4 million poor people, and many are losing their home, with the subprime mortgages). The world rejoices, someone is left disappointed go to disparaging jokes like: "it is young, handsome and tanned." The TV around the world have ill-treated for two years, we have continuously informed and kept in suspense until the last, but in the end Obama, I must say the president is a bit 'of us all, because the world depends on the future U.S.. He brought a breath of youth, and recalls a bit 'of Kennedy 60 years. Also I am happy for this victory, even if there is a concern due to factors of race, Obama is likely, 4 years is a long and anything can happen, because America is a developed country but full of contradictions. His election will also be a help to the policy that often vede col fumo negli occhi le politiche di integrazione, questo avvenimento può dare una spinta a risolvere i problemi dei flussi migratori e alla convivenza civile con le varie culture.
Sebastiano Beretti
Normal Looking Throat
Kill Your Sons
“ I giovani sono il futuro del mondo… se non li fermiamo prima!”
La scuola. Il futuro di un paese. Temi that in these days, or rather, in recent months have been the focus of political debate, the news and, above all, the massive mobilization of citizens. Perhaps because of the geographical distance from other major institutions and cities, our school seems to be less involved in the debate. If politics can sometimes seem, wrongly I think, a subject away from students, or any subject that we should not talk in school, these measures in the field of public education directly affect us, because we are profoundly modify the schools attending, as they change deeply universities that some of us are going to attend, because the culture and preparation tecnica dei cittadini dipendono la democrazia e il benessere (non solo materiale) del nostro paese.
Dunque, facciamo un po’ d’ordine: quali sono i punti salienti dei provvedimenti contestati?
In primis quelli elaborati più dal ministero dell’Economia che da quello dell’Istruzione: buona parte della cosiddetta “riforma Gelmini” è incentrata sulla ormai celeberrima “razionalizzazione”, ovvero su enormi tagli. Per far questo, nelle scuole, verranno tagliati 87.341 docenti e 44.500 non docenti ( segretari, bidelli, assistenti…) nell’arco di tre anni, riducendo le ore di lezione, aumentando i rapporti alunni/classi e alunni/docenti e, probabilmente, togliendo quasi tutti gli insegnanti di sostegno e le figure di aiuto e di integrazione dell’insegnamento canonico. La riduzione dell’orario colpirà le scuole di ogni ordine e grado riducendo l’orario settimanale in media di tre- quattro ore e sostanzialmente eliminando il tempo pieno alle elementari: dove verranno mantenute le attività pomeridiane, infatti, le ore in più rispetto alle 24 stabilite per legge non saranno curate come quelle scolastiche ordinarie, diventando sostanzialmente più “parcheggi per bambini” che momenti di formazione inseriti in una precisa logica pedagogica.
Nelle scuole elementari, inoltre, escluse le ore di inglese, dovrà essere un solo docente, il famigerato “maestro unico”, to conduct the lessons. Of course, having to cover various areas, will not be able to plan and treat the job with the same precision and efficiency, limited, also because of the short-time working, give only the basic teachings, at the expense of depth, returning to teach in short "reading, writing and arithmetic." Some are in favor of the reintroduction of the single teacher remembers the good old days when everyone was there and learned very well. Even assuming that all pupils have a good education, then the respect for teachers and much larger classes were much more homogeneous. Today, classes are no longer strangers who often need to literacy (and not a ghetto as you're going to do with the class-bridge), the disabled, rightly integrated in classes and no longer relegated to special classes, which probably will be less than the few support teachers now present, and children who have early entry to primary school for a year and that, especially the early years, often with different characteristics by their classmates because of his age. Also, if you happen to a class a teacher incompetent? Five years in which the class would learn little or nothing?
For universities, however, an estimated € 1.4 billion in cuts over five years, will be carried out by progressively reducing the teaching staff with permanent contracts and forcing universities to lower the level of training and / or to seek external funding, thus making foundations.
As there are fewer and fewer jobs for an indefinite period, probably it will boost the risk of "brain drain", as most prepared and competent, not seeing rewarding job opportunities, but only temporary, they will tend to go abroad, even decreasing more the quality of research, which already is sorely tested by the cutting of teachers and resources.
universities are almost forced, along with some schools, come si augura Brunetta, a diventare fondazioni, mettendosi in gara, quindi, per attirare finanziamenti privati. I privati che finanzieranno gli atenei vorranno, però, un tornaconto; chiederanno, quindi, che vengano potenziati i corsi che servono alle loro aziende, togliendo risorse alle facoltà verso cui non hanno interessi, fin quasi a farle scomparire. Se i finanziamenti privati non saranno sufficienti, inoltre, le università dovranno aumentare le tasse e diminuire la qualità e la quantità dei servizi erogati. Al sud, dove entreranno ancor più prepotentemente in campo gli interessi clientelari e mafiosi e ci saranno probabilmente minori finanziamenti privati, le università se non scompariranno, diventeranno di bassissimo level.
These measures more than a rationalization and better quality teaching and training will lead to indiscriminate cuts and a devaluation and destruction of public education. Italy, which is already low in raw materials and can not compete with emerging countries on labor costs, lowering even more the level of research and training of workers will no longer be able to produce products (tangible or not) the latest technology and quality, and its economy, then it will be even more brought to its knees. The public, moreover, having only a superficial formation, can be more easily stunned by television and the ramblings newspapers that are transmitted without being able to understand what is happening.
These measures, in short, will kill our economy, our democracy, our quality of life. Kill our future.
John Sweets H.J.Simpson
La scuola. Il futuro di un paese. Temi that in these days, or rather, in recent months have been the focus of political debate, the news and, above all, the massive mobilization of citizens. Perhaps because of the geographical distance from other major institutions and cities, our school seems to be less involved in the debate. If politics can sometimes seem, wrongly I think, a subject away from students, or any subject that we should not talk in school, these measures in the field of public education directly affect us, because we are profoundly modify the schools attending, as they change deeply universities that some of us are going to attend, because the culture and preparation tecnica dei cittadini dipendono la democrazia e il benessere (non solo materiale) del nostro paese.
Dunque, facciamo un po’ d’ordine: quali sono i punti salienti dei provvedimenti contestati?
In primis quelli elaborati più dal ministero dell’Economia che da quello dell’Istruzione: buona parte della cosiddetta “riforma Gelmini” è incentrata sulla ormai celeberrima “razionalizzazione”, ovvero su enormi tagli. Per far questo, nelle scuole, verranno tagliati 87.341 docenti e 44.500 non docenti ( segretari, bidelli, assistenti…) nell’arco di tre anni, riducendo le ore di lezione, aumentando i rapporti alunni/classi e alunni/docenti e, probabilmente, togliendo quasi tutti gli insegnanti di sostegno e le figure di aiuto e di integrazione dell’insegnamento canonico. La riduzione dell’orario colpirà le scuole di ogni ordine e grado riducendo l’orario settimanale in media di tre- quattro ore e sostanzialmente eliminando il tempo pieno alle elementari: dove verranno mantenute le attività pomeridiane, infatti, le ore in più rispetto alle 24 stabilite per legge non saranno curate come quelle scolastiche ordinarie, diventando sostanzialmente più “parcheggi per bambini” che momenti di formazione inseriti in una precisa logica pedagogica.
Nelle scuole elementari, inoltre, escluse le ore di inglese, dovrà essere un solo docente, il famigerato “maestro unico”, to conduct the lessons. Of course, having to cover various areas, will not be able to plan and treat the job with the same precision and efficiency, limited, also because of the short-time working, give only the basic teachings, at the expense of depth, returning to teach in short "reading, writing and arithmetic." Some are in favor of the reintroduction of the single teacher remembers the good old days when everyone was there and learned very well. Even assuming that all pupils have a good education, then the respect for teachers and much larger classes were much more homogeneous. Today, classes are no longer strangers who often need to literacy (and not a ghetto as you're going to do with the class-bridge), the disabled, rightly integrated in classes and no longer relegated to special classes, which probably will be less than the few support teachers now present, and children who have early entry to primary school for a year and that, especially the early years, often with different characteristics by their classmates because of his age. Also, if you happen to a class a teacher incompetent? Five years in which the class would learn little or nothing?
For universities, however, an estimated € 1.4 billion in cuts over five years, will be carried out by progressively reducing the teaching staff with permanent contracts and forcing universities to lower the level of training and / or to seek external funding, thus making foundations.
As there are fewer and fewer jobs for an indefinite period, probably it will boost the risk of "brain drain", as most prepared and competent, not seeing rewarding job opportunities, but only temporary, they will tend to go abroad, even decreasing more the quality of research, which already is sorely tested by the cutting of teachers and resources.
universities are almost forced, along with some schools, come si augura Brunetta, a diventare fondazioni, mettendosi in gara, quindi, per attirare finanziamenti privati. I privati che finanzieranno gli atenei vorranno, però, un tornaconto; chiederanno, quindi, che vengano potenziati i corsi che servono alle loro aziende, togliendo risorse alle facoltà verso cui non hanno interessi, fin quasi a farle scomparire. Se i finanziamenti privati non saranno sufficienti, inoltre, le università dovranno aumentare le tasse e diminuire la qualità e la quantità dei servizi erogati. Al sud, dove entreranno ancor più prepotentemente in campo gli interessi clientelari e mafiosi e ci saranno probabilmente minori finanziamenti privati, le università se non scompariranno, diventeranno di bassissimo level.
These measures more than a rationalization and better quality teaching and training will lead to indiscriminate cuts and a devaluation and destruction of public education. Italy, which is already low in raw materials and can not compete with emerging countries on labor costs, lowering even more the level of research and training of workers will no longer be able to produce products (tangible or not) the latest technology and quality, and its economy, then it will be even more brought to its knees. The public, moreover, having only a superficial formation, can be more easily stunned by television and the ramblings newspapers that are transmitted without being able to understand what is happening.
These measures, in short, will kill our economy, our democracy, our quality of life. Kill our future.
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learning to resist
January 1948: Entry into force of the Constitution, important date, indelibly, a step forward, a turn toward democracy trying to erase the barbarity of the fascist period.
60 years of the Italian Constitution. And for this important anniversary che l’ associazione culturale “La Fenice” ha organizzato, nelle giornate 11-12 ottobre, un breve ma intenso viaggio sulle orme della costituzione, arrivando alle radici di quel famoso 1948 attraverso testimonianze, racconti e luoghi che hanno lasciato una ferita ancora aperta nella storia del nostro paese.
Montesole-Barbiana Dossetti- Milani.
Nomi, luoghi, parole chiave.
Il nostro punto di partenza è stato il parco storico regionale di Montesole, il parco ricopre l’area coinvolta nel terribile eccidio di Montesole avvenuto nel 1944 quando la violenza nazi-fascista arrivò in questo zone e portò inevitabilmente gli spettri della morte e del terrore.
Le truppe nazi-fasciste si avventarono sulle abitazioni, sulle scuole, sulle chiese, uccidendo selvaggiamente i pochi abitanti, saccheggiando, bruciando in nome della croce uncinata.
Gli abitanti non riuscirono a mettersi in salvo, forse ingenui, rassegnati o semplicemente inconsci di quello che stava per succedere
la crudeltà sovraumana che incombeva pesatamente nell’animo delle truppe uccise 770 persone nei modi più violenti e brutali.
Le voci che cominciarono a spargersi relative a quei giorni di terribile inumanità furono negate dalle autorità fasciste indicandole come false.
Solo grazie alla liberazione si incominciò a capire cos’era effettivamente successo in quelle giornate piene di follia e d’orrore.
L’itinerario che abbiamo seguito, passo dopo passo, ci presenta come furono violentemente colpite queste zone, grande palcoscenico non solo dell’eccidio, ma anche della resistenza avvenuta in seguito.
Successivamente ci è stata presentata un importante figura : Don Giuseppe Dossetti , personaggio carismatico, membro attivo della cosiddetta commissione dei 75 che elaborò la prima bozza della costituzione.
Dossetti nasce il 13 febbraio 1913 a Genova , dopo aver frequentato il liceo classico a Reggio Emilia, s’iscrive a Giurisprudenza a Bologna dove si laurea nel 1934. Nell’autunno dello stesso anno si trasferisce a Milano all’università cattolica e diventa assistente di Diritto Canonico. Nel febbraio the 1945 comes and goes into hiding in the mountains where he stayed until liberation.
After the war, became assistant secretary of the DC, was a member of the Constituent Assembly, gave an important contribution to the drafting of the paper constituent.
In 68 he devoted himself entirely to his guidance of the religious community. In 84 of Montesole received the diaconate.
died 15 December 1996 and was buried along with the small cemetery of martyrs dell'eccidio Montesole.
Dossetti take a big appeal to young people saying not to forget the constitution only because it was "the work of a generation now passed," but making it increasingly rely, as a reference point and the first result verso un futuro pieno di libertà e diritti.
Il 12 ottobre è stata la giornata dedicata interamente alla scuola, alla scuola di un tempo: la scuola di Barbiana avente un unico ,grande maestro: Don Lorenzo Milani.
Don Milani arrivò a Barbiana il 7 dicembre del 1954.
Dopo poco incominciò a radunare nuovi giovani delle vicinanze di quel paesino di montagna. Egli sperimentò un nuovo tipo d’istruzione, basata sul motto “ I care” letteralmente "Io mi prendo cura" (in dichiarata contrapposizione al "Me ne frego" fascista).
Per arrivare in questo piccolo borgo abbiamo percorso alcuni chilometri a piedi, attraversando quelle strade che allora,portavano i giovani ragazzi to alternative education. The figure of
Milani there is described in detail by a former student: Michele. He has shown how lessons were structured, how to blend together the practice and study, how dedicated Don Milani explain the reasons for teaching. Former student remembers clearly the alternative method by which the teacher caught the attention and the high esteem in all of them. The school Barbiana was an educational experience. It was a friendly school, where the program was shared by the students, the teacher's ideas were revolutionary and often also, there was a very close relationship between the one who taught and the learner. Don Milani
dies June 26, 1967. The
his remains are now housed in a small cemetery at the foot of the village. This type of instruction, can be interpreted as a kind of utopia, because it would not be possible to tie together the convenience, study and work mainly in schools today.
The big difference between the school and the school Barbiana today is that back then in addition to math, history and Italian was spoken in ideals,
we talked about the future, sharing, really.
There were no differences, equality was the basis of teaching,
the deepening of individual subjects give the correct momentum towards a culture individual and strong enough to be handed down.
Sara Fabbiani
January 1948: Entry into force of the Constitution, important date, indelibly, a step forward, a turn toward democracy trying to erase the barbarity of the fascist period.
60 years of the Italian Constitution. And for this important anniversary che l’ associazione culturale “La Fenice” ha organizzato, nelle giornate 11-12 ottobre, un breve ma intenso viaggio sulle orme della costituzione, arrivando alle radici di quel famoso 1948 attraverso testimonianze, racconti e luoghi che hanno lasciato una ferita ancora aperta nella storia del nostro paese.
Montesole-Barbiana Dossetti- Milani.
Nomi, luoghi, parole chiave.
Il nostro punto di partenza è stato il parco storico regionale di Montesole, il parco ricopre l’area coinvolta nel terribile eccidio di Montesole avvenuto nel 1944 quando la violenza nazi-fascista arrivò in questo zone e portò inevitabilmente gli spettri della morte e del terrore.
Le truppe nazi-fasciste si avventarono sulle abitazioni, sulle scuole, sulle chiese, uccidendo selvaggiamente i pochi abitanti, saccheggiando, bruciando in nome della croce uncinata.
Gli abitanti non riuscirono a mettersi in salvo, forse ingenui, rassegnati o semplicemente inconsci di quello che stava per succedere
la crudeltà sovraumana che incombeva pesatamente nell’animo delle truppe uccise 770 persone nei modi più violenti e brutali.
Le voci che cominciarono a spargersi relative a quei giorni di terribile inumanità furono negate dalle autorità fasciste indicandole come false.
Solo grazie alla liberazione si incominciò a capire cos’era effettivamente successo in quelle giornate piene di follia e d’orrore.
L’itinerario che abbiamo seguito, passo dopo passo, ci presenta come furono violentemente colpite queste zone, grande palcoscenico non solo dell’eccidio, ma anche della resistenza avvenuta in seguito.
Successivamente ci è stata presentata un importante figura : Don Giuseppe Dossetti , personaggio carismatico, membro attivo della cosiddetta commissione dei 75 che elaborò la prima bozza della costituzione.
Dossetti nasce il 13 febbraio 1913 a Genova , dopo aver frequentato il liceo classico a Reggio Emilia, s’iscrive a Giurisprudenza a Bologna dove si laurea nel 1934. Nell’autunno dello stesso anno si trasferisce a Milano all’università cattolica e diventa assistente di Diritto Canonico. Nel febbraio the 1945 comes and goes into hiding in the mountains where he stayed until liberation.
After the war, became assistant secretary of the DC, was a member of the Constituent Assembly, gave an important contribution to the drafting of the paper constituent.
In 68 he devoted himself entirely to his guidance of the religious community. In 84 of Montesole received the diaconate.
died 15 December 1996 and was buried along with the small cemetery of martyrs dell'eccidio Montesole.
Dossetti take a big appeal to young people saying not to forget the constitution only because it was "the work of a generation now passed," but making it increasingly rely, as a reference point and the first result verso un futuro pieno di libertà e diritti.
Il 12 ottobre è stata la giornata dedicata interamente alla scuola, alla scuola di un tempo: la scuola di Barbiana avente un unico ,grande maestro: Don Lorenzo Milani.
Don Milani arrivò a Barbiana il 7 dicembre del 1954.
Dopo poco incominciò a radunare nuovi giovani delle vicinanze di quel paesino di montagna. Egli sperimentò un nuovo tipo d’istruzione, basata sul motto “ I care” letteralmente "Io mi prendo cura" (in dichiarata contrapposizione al "Me ne frego" fascista).
Per arrivare in questo piccolo borgo abbiamo percorso alcuni chilometri a piedi, attraversando quelle strade che allora,portavano i giovani ragazzi to alternative education. The figure of
Milani there is described in detail by a former student: Michele. He has shown how lessons were structured, how to blend together the practice and study, how dedicated Don Milani explain the reasons for teaching. Former student remembers clearly the alternative method by which the teacher caught the attention and the high esteem in all of them. The school Barbiana was an educational experience. It was a friendly school, where the program was shared by the students, the teacher's ideas were revolutionary and often also, there was a very close relationship between the one who taught and the learner. Don Milani
dies June 26, 1967. The
his remains are now housed in a small cemetery at the foot of the village. This type of instruction, can be interpreted as a kind of utopia, because it would not be possible to tie together the convenience, study and work mainly in schools today.
The big difference between the school and the school Barbiana today is that back then in addition to math, history and Italian was spoken in ideals,
we talked about the future, sharing, really.
There were no differences, equality was the basis of teaching,
the deepening of individual subjects give the correct momentum towards a culture individual and strong enough to be handed down.
Sara Fabbiani
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