The Inn of Maria Stella
Eccovi miei cari buongustai, esperti nel gusto e nella scelta, dal palato fino e anche un po’ pignolo. Benvenuti nella mia cara e umile mensa, dove si servono piatti di prima qualità, dove il cambiamento è all’ordine del giorno, seppur inaspettato e sotto below, but there behind the counter, a little 'hated. Yet we have customers galore, some twist a little 'nose, others the precious but in the end always yield to temptation, others would not even come and sit a bit' on the sidelines.
What can I say, I'm more into the skin and let me illustrate my dishes prepared with as much patience and diligence. As a starter I would recommend a good "cut on the research" very good dish to start with a slap-up dinner, workhorse of our expert cook, perhaps to be enjoyed with a nice "Gelmot" dell'94, great little wine and mostatura still very archaic. No progress, no improvement, only secrets of long standing. Proceed
first chance with a nice, substantial aftertaste a bit 'edgy and electrifying "hours by 60 minutes" as you may get a slight start, given its duration, do not worry, the names of the dishes leave a little' make any difference as "Long Day Afternoon," but do not worry you will have to get used to a whole evening, which will seem long as a year or even years as, if not you will have some post-dinner tea.
The second course is simply a delicacy, but there are several drawbacks, if you have struggled to digest the first, I doubt you will succeed with what I'm about to explain, because it is a bomb, which goes straight to the stomach and immediately after invoked as a muse and kill the coffee coffee Well brace yourselves, we at the 'Osteria call it with great honor and enthusiasm "Train for Life" single dish created by our butcher Russo, following the tenets of "Made in Italy, flavored by an ounce of self-centeredness. If your liver is still screaming for help, then arranged a beautiful green glaze over with that plan, but that sun, that if my memory serves me must be so much in fashion these days even on carpet, especially on the benches on the windows in schools.
After a sigh, not of relief, on your belly triumphant, some will be pleased to call a waiter to have the bill so salty rather salty, but never for dinner so watch your wallet, if you were never with much money entered.
So let me give you impartial advice, do not arrive in this miserable condition is terribly embarrassing, always better to prevent any other business ... ... ... conseguenze, non trovate?
Sara Fabbiani
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