Egyptians and nuragici, mathematics combines the two ancient populations
La Nuova Sardegna I read an interesting article online not signed on the study of a high school teacher who connects the Egyptian civilization nuragica and the terms of trigonometric. It seems to me a matter of great importance, even to be taken with the tongs. Here is the article:
CAGLIARI. An Italian scholar would find the thread that connects mathematics to that of the ancient Egyptian Sardi. In particular, the similarities between Egyptian and trigonometry nuragica show how one can speak of a common scientific civilization in the ancient Mediterranean.
The claims Nicolino De Pasquale, a professor of mathematics at the Volta School for Science and Technology of Pescara. The study of circular shields of the warriors Sardinians, decorated with drawings depicting the typical sine and cosine of the circles - said De Pasquale - to highlight the report, based on mathematical principles, with the ancient Egyptian game of snake, consisting in un disco inciso a scacchiera, che funge da sistema rappresentativo polare esponenziale.
Questa scoperta di Nicolino De Pasquale porta a concludere che fra i sudditi del faraone e i nuragici intercorre un rapporto speciale, basato tutto su metodi matematici condivisi e talmente innovativi da poter trovare ancora oggi applicazioni vantaggiose. De Pasquale, 61 anni, è un ingegnere aeronautico che vive e lavora a Pescara ed ha il pallino sulla matematica delle antiche civiltà. Ha risolto, ad esempio, l'enigma della matematica andina (nel 2000).
In seguito alla decifrazione dell'abaco Inca è stato, quindi, invitato a tenere conferenze in different foreign universities. Using the structure of an abacus Andean pre-Columbian civilizations of Huari and Tiwanaku precisely, he built a calculator for the blind, a touch operation (with pneumatic piston controlled by a PLC). He rebuilt the Egyptian musical scale, presented in Pescara in March 2006.
In January 2007, moreover, was published his work on pintaderas sardines, "Tempus Arrodas de '(Wheel of Time), deciphering the solar and lunar calendars nuragici. The pintaderas allowed to reconstruct, by analogy, the calendars used by the Egyptians, Greeks, and Celts, and to decipher the complex set of systems of solar and lunar Mediterranean basin in use in the first and second millennium BC
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