Monday, February 2, 2009

Gay Bowling Alleys In Houston

Editorial .... and we are at seven .... A semi-serious

New year, new number. Howl is back with a great desire to be read and a clear voice to scream again, trying to make themselves heard above the deafening noise of everyday life. For the third consecutive year, we are faced with a "number one": it is significant that.
While the first year, with little time available, he used to create the project and start the engine, we have tested in the second run in sometimes difficult but still fun and hopefully constructive. This year, we start with different assumptions: the wording has been built and is quite stable, Howl has already made a name at school (and, in part, out of school) and our only task is to continue down the path set. A few words before you start with the magazine itself: thanks and review of the rules! First we want to thank Damiano Razzoli, creator of the project and our spiritual guide through the intricate maze of journalism, then Dorothy Pignedoli, our old "boss" who left us to continue studies. Exclusively with these two people are still here today to talk about Howl, then chapeau! The review of the rules is simple: Howl is a magazine for all students Cattaneo - Dall'Aglio, then anyone is free to write in respect of the dignity of other people and good culture. The writing of Howl merely act as a "copy-paste" of articles, without ideological selections: it logically follows that the newspaper is non-partisan (but not apolitical) and that in itself does not endorse any color or ideal. Precisely for the above principles, Howl accepts any contribution signed and not vulgar, without requiring a complaint of any kind: the only intervention on the contributions of readers will simply be a correction of grammatical items, and letters will be left as they are sent there. Without That said let's start with the best hopes for this year, accompanied only by a small, bad feeling, we are surviving on turnover of editors, the distribution of questionnaires, leaflets "anonymous" attacks on politicians and public vilification, but we can not survive Daniel Petrone as a PR. This too is beyond our capabilities.

Giuliano Gabrini


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