Sunday, December 12, 2010

Back Muscles Sore From Snowboarding?

The Mass is ended

Secondo il moderno senso comune, i giovani d’oggi sono una massa di soggetti indistinti, tristemente classificati in diverse categorie. Una vera e propria fiera degli stereotipi. Il problema si presenta quando, vittime di una tendenza passiva indotta dalla stessa società, la gente non mette in discussione quanto diffuso dalla diceria comune, considerandolo verità assoluta a cui nessuno si pone il problema di opporsi, soprattutto le vittime stesse. Spesso si esita nell'esprimere il proprio disappunto, nascondendosi dietro un silenzio ignorante e meschino.

Ma come può chi giudica in modo so superficial, accusing others of superficiality? How is it that all young people are so approved?

The simple answer is fear of exclusion, of being alone and helpless in front of that big bad monster called "Life." The solution, however, is to be able to say no to indifference and taboos of social credit.

The self-discovery becomes the protagonist in the life of every young person, the journey that will take into adulthood armed with projects and passions to cultivate.
growth is also about the search for the ideal dream of what can become a concrete, an ideal to follow: that there remain a dream forever.

There is no right time, the only way is to experiment.
must try, try their hand in many disciplines, finding inspiration, to interpret a model, change skin to be active.
Everything happened in the past, every man was born, everything happens for a change was because we said no, because one is opposed to something wrong, because you deleted
a stereotype.
there a place on the outskirts of Castelnuovo Monti, where diversity reigns. A multipurpose site victim, however, the famous killer Rating Given by common sense that hosts photographic exhibitions, debates, rehearsal room, cinema room, computer room and large play areas. Alternative.

experience is all well and good,
The Mass is ended,
go to the Youth Centre in peace.

"" If you sleep in the consciousness falls asleep, wakes up in the dream there. "
(M. Foucault)

Giulia Bedini


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