Sunday, December 5, 2010

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The mathematical treatises

Piero della Francesca is considered one of the greatest painters of our fifteenth century, but few students remember him as a man of science. The scientific papers of this famous painter, are three works of mathematics: "De corporibus regularibus", the "Trattato d'abaco" and "De prospectiva ping".
"De Prospectiva Ping" was the first real organic Treaty drawn up on the science of Renaissance perspective and so its validity is that for a long period of time would remain as an example and a source for later authors of works perspective. It was written around 1475, when its author was about sixty years old and had already given many proofs of his exceptional artistic talent. Divided into three books, this treaty clearly develops in a perspective representation of mathematical problems by providing practical examples not only related to complex geometric and architectural forms, but in any natural form. The first book, plane geometry, educational purposes has proved to be clear and precise drawings. The second, solid geometry,

perspective focuses on the representation of solids. The third book objectively determine the prospective image of complex objects.
In the two other minor writings, "De corporibus regularibus' and the 'abacus', the painter depth analysis of the bodies regular and almost regular.

PS: Picture taken from


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