Thursday, March 3, 2011

What Should I Put In A Wedding Card

Rosy Bindi, candidato Premier? Indagine Demopolis per il programma Otto e Mezzo

Oltre sette italiani su dieci appaiono convinti che il nostro Paese potrebbe oggi essere pronto ad avere una donna come Presidente del Consiglio. L’esempio tedesco di Angela Merkel costituisce un modello riconosciuto per l’opinione pubblica.
È quanto emerge da un’indagine condotta dall’Istituto Nazionale di Ricerche Demopolis per il programma Otto Middle and conducted by LA7 Lilli Gruber.
While the center-right in the event of early elections, seems to want to entrust once again to Silvio Berlusconi, the debate rages in the Centre Left. Today, the substantial equality between the two main coalitions, detected by the Political Barometer Demopolis, would open the competition for the leadership of the country, offering new chances to the Centre Left, provided, however, can be proved able to overcome the continuing internal conflict in programs, leadership in alliances.
See here the results of Demopolis in point Paul Pagliaro Otto e Mezzo program

What matters more, the Italians, it seems now its the personality and communication skills of leaders. Not only in the Middle Right. This confirms the view taken by the Institute Demopolis among voters who are placed in the center left: to get back to winning today serves as a given clear policy (reaffirmed by one third of the sample), more in line with the needs of citizens, but above all - as stated by 47% - strong leadership, recognized and shared.

The idea, advanced by Nichi Vendola, Rosy Bindi Premier which candidate has displaced some observers and the same leadership of the Democratic Party, sometimes in difficulty in grasp the mood of the electorate. 61% of voters who stands in the center left, in fact, would positively to the head of a coalition against the center-right Berlusconi's assumption of a return to the polls.

According to analysis from Demopolis, Rosy Bindi is considered honest by 80% of Italians: a cross-recognition of credibility by the voters in all policy areas. It is also considered a moderate by 59% from 56% responsible and concrete. Less charismatic and innovative.

Methodology and informative
The survey was conducted 18 to 21 February 2011 - for the program LA7 Otto e Mezzo - from 'National Research Institute Demopolis on a sample of 1,014 respondents is representative of the adult Italian population, stratified by gender, age, educational level, population size and geographic area of \u200b\u200bresidence. Wind direction of Peter, in collaboration with Giuseppe Montalbano and Maria Sabrina Titone. Supervision of the opinion poll survey with CATI methodology di Marco Tabacchi. 

Fonte sondaggio


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