Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dauntless Elite Cistern

Mathematics in the history of united

Il Centro PRISTEM dell’Università Bocconi di Milano organizza presso l’Università “Carlo Bo” di Urbino dall’8 al 10 aprile il corso di aggiornamento/formazione “ La Matematica nella storia dell’Italia unita ”.

In linea con le celebrazioni per i 150 anni dell’Unità, che si prospettano come un importante appuntamento storico e culturale per riflettere insieme sulla moderna storia italiana, sarà l’occasione per discutere il ruolo svolto da scienza e scienziati per lo sviluppo del Paese.
Il Convegno ripercorrerà nelle diverse fasi storiche successive all’Unità – i primi decenni del nuovo Stato, gli anni della prima guerra mondiale, quelli del fascismo, la repubblica e la seconda metà del secolo – il cammino percorso dalla Matematica italiana: le sue acquisizioni, i contatti internazionali, i rapporti con la Fisica e le altre discipline, la partecipazione dei suoi esponenti alla vita scientifica e sociale del Paese. La descrizione costituirà l’occasione per ribadire l’importanza della Matematica nella vita sociale e culturale del Paese.
Verranno sottolineati i momenti “forti” di questa storia ma anche, in una prospettiva che vuole tenersi accuratamente lontana hagiographic tones, missed opportunities to embed scientific presence in the Italian reality. The analysis then moves on the responsibilities of the political class, on the composition of our ruling class, the consistency of the industrial, dialogue between different cultures, attitudes held by the same mathematical against the social context. Reflections on the scientific development - the one that has materialized and what is not, what could be and was not - are a valuable key to understanding many situations in which our society is immersed today.
All information can be found at: For more information you can contact the secretariat of the Centre Pristem tel 02 58362670, fax 02 5836.5617, e-mail debora.rossini @ .
Friday, April 8
15.00 Welcome address by the Rector of the University of Urbino, Stefano Pivato (teacher Contemporary History)
15.15 Guerraggio Angelo (Università Bocconi University of Milan and Insubria University of Varese), "An overview on the history of Italian mathematics"
16.15 Rossana Tazzioli (Université de Lille 1): "Mathematicians of the Risorgimento"
18.00 Mauro Moretti (University for Foreigners of Siena ): "Organization and governance of science. The work of Italian scientists after the unification. "
Saturday, April 9
9.00 Mazliak Laurent (Université Paris 6) " Mathematics of Émile Borel in the transition between 800 and 900 "
10.00 am Henry Rogowski (University" La Sapienza "of Rome," The golden age of Italian algebraic geometry "
Giulio Maltese 11.30 am (Italian Society of Historians of Physics and Astronomy
, Rome): "Rise, shine and ruin of the Italian physics from the late nineteenth and early decades of the twentieth century "
12.30 Enrico Gamba :" Science and technology nell'Urbino renaissance
15.00 Peter Nastasi (University of Palermo) : "I Italian mathematicians in the face of fascism"
16.00 pm Luisa Bonolis (Deutsches Museum, Monaco) "The Italian physics to recapture excellence. From the reconstruction of post-war boom years. "
17.30 Mimmo Franzinelli (writer, historian, Brescia) " Cleanup failure. Politicians, judges, police and scientists from fascism to democracy (1944-46) "
18.30 screening of the film "Ludwig Boltzmann, the genius of disorder" of Joseph Mussardo
and Petra Scudo. Directed by Enrico Agapito.
Sunday, April 10
8.30 Visit to Palazzo Ducale
10.30 Seventh Terms (University of Palermo) : "The information revolution after World War II "
11.30 Gian Italo Bischi (University of Urbino) :" Bruno de Finetti : a mathematician in the round "
12.30 pm Debate Final completion of the work .
For further information refer to the website:


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