Martedì scorso ho riferito su questo blog che tornavo finalmente a lavorare e lo dicevo in un post dal Title " Today we went back to work! " . The post, however, spoke of Fabrizio Corona and not me. In fact, that post was to speak only Fabrizio Corona and the reopening of his agency's paparazzi, but the coincidence between my and his return to work on 1 February, fell right - as they say - a bean, and so I took the chance.
Obviously there was just a preview because I wrote that post the day before the actual beginning of my work, planning for the next day, Tuesday 1 February. So I did not have anything to say about it. Today, however, after a week, I can already report some impressions and rightly devote a post ad hoc, since at the time I dealt with three times the topic, expressing my desire to find a good job Milan (Milano Seeking work, job and home in Milan: a dream? , We'll know ). Therefore it seems only right to dedicate this post to the happy ending of my harrowing tale.
As I mentioned, I found a job at the Milan offices of a prestigious company spread throughout the country. The office is located just steps from 'Arco Peace from Parco Sempione, the Torre Branca and Triennale (view antenna near the RAI Corso Sempione ).
Above is one of the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises of 'Happy Hour and nightlife ..
So I'm doubly happy, both for the fact itself to work in Milan, as I said in the post above, was one of my dreams, and because I find myself in a respectable ..
Sempione Park with the Branca Tower (left) and Torre Rai (a right, bottom)
Even people from other offices which are in close contact are women (you can not have everything!), I must say that there are many boys "interesting" that buzz around. So far, the coolest type is a dark, cropped hair, athletic, very fashion, unfortunately the office downstairs, and then I'll never have a lot to do with him, except for chance encounters the copier o allo scanner che sono in comune per entrambi i piani. In ogni caso è ancora presto per esprimere giudizi e fondamentalmente non conosco ancora tutti, visto che, anche dopo una settimana, capita di trovarmi in ascensore con dei bei manzetti che non so chi siano e quale mansione abbiano all'interno della struttura. A poco a poco mi farò le idee chiare.
Un lato interessante del mio nuovo lavoro è senza dubbio la pausa pranzo. Questa prima settimana, dovendo andare a pranzo da solo, visto che non possiamo lasciare l'ufficio contemporaneamente io e la mia collega, ho optato per il vicino Van Gogh Cafè , un locale che conoscevo già in versione notturna, se non altro per esserci transitato car in front of hundreds of times, but that turned out to be surprisingly interesting hour lunch. But this is a separate chapter that deserves to be treated in another post ..
The Van Gogh Cafe
For now I will simply outsource my pleasure to be able to find a good job at a prestigious company, in a nice area of \u200b\u200bMilan and, in times of crisis like the current one, considering my age over forty, is not small thing!
As I mentioned, now that I was able to achieve what seemed destined to remain a dream, so I hope to be able to happen even in private life, finding the right man for me .. The starting points are good, because the adrenaline rush that is giving me the new job is what it takes to make me well prepared to start a story ..
Who knows that in the midst of all those beautiful boys who cross every day ..
.. the coolest type is a dark, cropped hair, athletic physique ..
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