Monday, February 21, 2011

Hello Kitty Television U.k


As I mentioned in the post in which I spoke of my new job in Milan, usually in lunch break I go to the lunch Van Gogh Cafe, one of the local happy hour and nightlife around the Arco della Pace, a stone's throw from my office.
The Van Gogh Cafe, just to be clear, is part of the circuit of local VIPs. The footballer Mario Balotelli it was a regular visitor, so he organized there his farewell party in Milan, before moving to Manchester City, last July 26. Like him many other players, especially Inter, for which the Van Gogh Cafe has become a reference point. No coincidence that a week after the start of Serie A, there was held an evening of culture and sports signed by Marco Reservoirs Management during which he was presented the book " Mou!" ; of sports journalist and television commentator Giulio Mola .
Many familiar faces from television rose from Van Gogh Café. Among others, are constantly invited by Marco Reservoirs, Veronica's ex gf Ciardi and George Leonard , ma anche gli ex tronisti Luca Dorigo e Diego Conte , Miriana Trevisan con il suo Pago , Augusto de Megni e Rossano Rubicondi .

L'Happy Hour

Festa di compleanno

Il giornalista Giulio Mola presenta il libro "Mou!"

Logico che una cosa è la serata, un'altra il momento del lunch. Nonostante ciò, un paio di weeks ago, sitting at a table next to mine I saw the former castaways Dennis Dallan and Nina Senicar .
However, apart from meeting more or less celebrity, the thing I appreciate in my lunch break at the Van Gogh Cafe, the atmosphere is reinforced by the glamor of the local daily presence of a group of girls and young image, and DJs who pr eat their lunch and have both .. Image!
So, as you can see, during my lunch shiny eyes, and this makes the lunch break for a moment even more pleasant than it is already in itself the very fact of "unplug" for an hour .

E not all! In fact, just to confirm that the world is often very small, between those who frequent the Cafe Van Gogh's lunch time I often meet my "friend" Leo , of \u200b\u200bwhich I spoke about this last May blog, about the way for the renewal of the patent pool attendant who allowed me to work in the pool last summer. Then Leo judged a person "interesting" and my nose I'm not mistaken ..


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