La pizza alla canapa con fondi regionali, «CanaPuglia» ha vinto Bollenti spiriti Specialty Naples has the flour cannabis . The trial is in a room of Conversano.
P izze con farina di canapa. Ora si può . Da domani un locale di Conversano sperimenterà questo innovativo e forse troppo poco conosciuto prodotto. Tutto è nato dall’esperienza di una realtà associativa creatasi nello stesso paese, «Progetto CanaPuglia», e che ha vinto l’ultimo bando dei Bollenti Spiriti 2010, classificandosi al 116 posto su 2.050. Nel mese di aprile l’associazione inaugurerà la propria sede, presentando il progetto nello specifico. IL PROGETTO – L’associazione CanaPuglia nasce con the intent to encourage the cultivation of hemp in Puglia informing potential users of the utility and the potential that the cultivation of hemp and supplies provided in the past. With hemp can be produced much, textiles, drugs . Until fuel, paper, energy, food and just .
HEMP - Cannabis is a flowering plant belongs to the family of Cannabinacee, but in this case you are in the presence of so-called "cannabis sativa, or hemp useful. The meal derived from hemp seed and hemp food is shown for cakes and baked goods in general, besides being useful for other uses classic flour. "Pizza sativa, therefore seems to carry with it the dawn of a new era, because hemp is not the word ports behind the policies of prohibition, but only the discovery of a completely natural material, which produces no side effects . In fact, the THC, psychoactive substance between the active ingredients of cannabis, is not present in the flour and hemp. Of psychedelic here, there is only a taste. Teresa Serripierro for
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