not the controversy dies down after 'approval of the Decree Romans renewable energy: once again involved the representative associations of entrepreneurs photovoltaic , this time with a joint statement and, therefore, particularly significant APER (Association of Producers of Energy from Renewable Energy Future Ace, Assosolare and GIFI (Italian Photovoltaic Companies Group) have a common front, by submitting a appeal to the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano , so do not sign a DL considered not only extremely harmful to the the field of photovoltaic and renewable energy but unconstitutional.
Decree no accident re-baptized ' Ammazzarinnovabili' by associations would, in fact, unconstitutional primarily for excessive delegation : Parliament empowered the Government to transpose the European directive for renewables, but the Government has not in any way incorporated the opinions of parliamentary committees, delegating the same institution that is going well, then, the content of that delegation, however, was observed. But, as mentioned in the pages of, the Decree provides that the tariffs of the Energy Bill to apply to the power grid within May 31, 2011, while those established after that date incentives reformulated and will be governed by a decree to be issued, however, by April 30, 2011.
If, then, was averted the danger of the introduction of the highly contested limit of 8 GW of installed capacity , the achievement of which incentives for solar energy Account would be suspended, the Decree of April will determine the level of incentives, taking into account a number of parameters, including cost reduction technologies and incentives applied in the EU. The incentives will also be differentiated on the basis of the nature of the airbase, while as regards the agricultural areas, the PV systems installed on the ground will be eligible for the use of incentives provided that the premises have not exceed 1 MW power rating and, if more than one, shall not be less than 2 km away from each other. It also does not have occupy more than 10% of the plot.
This Decree " violates a cardinal principle of our legal system, which is the legal certainty and to protect the trust, and is inconsistent with international standards of European Convention of Human Rights "said Peter Pacchione, CEO of APER. If, then, was averted the danger of the introduction of the highly contested limit of 8 GW of installed capacity , the achievement of which incentives for solar energy Account would be suspended, the Decree of April will determine the level of incentives, taking into account a number of parameters, including cost reduction technologies and incentives applied in the EU. The incentives will also be differentiated on the basis of the nature of the airbase, while as regards the agricultural areas, the PV systems installed on the ground will be eligible for the use of incentives provided that the premises have not exceed 1 MW power rating and, if more than one, shall not be less than 2 km away from each other. It also does not have occupy more than 10% of the plot.
" already know that many thousands of messages are coming to the site and fax del Quirinale ask for the order to stop today before hundreds of small businesses go belly up: many lenders have already made it known that under these conditions, necessary funding to companies and households to install a photovoltaic panel are were then STOP the , "said Massimo Sapienza, president of Ace Energy Future.
irresponsible choice by the Government, however, spoke Gianni Chianetta, president of Assosolare , " The Government will probably not make more account of sociali.Il economic and regulatory vacuum in which we blocked the construction in progress and those who were leaving. Soon you will also see the dramatic effects on jobs and businesses, primarily the Italian .
According Christmas Valerio, president of Gifi instead "determines the order right now heavily negative effects such as an immediate appeal to the extraordinary layoff , (estimated at over 10,000 units directly engaged in the business), the blocking investments for the coming months by more than 40 billion euro, hiring freeze and the loss of skilled jobs. " ANIE-GIFI, then, asks that the date for ' connection of facilities and redesigning the system of incentives be postponed until December 31, 2011 , also by abolishing assumption of maximum incentive fees on an annual basis. "I also express concern - ends Christmas - the positive view expressed yesterday by ; Confindustria the Decree, which highlights the serious consequences to the domestic industry and for the entire Sistema Paese ”.
Andrea Marchetti
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