March 8 event in Rome and delivery of the signatures collected by the Democratic Party to demand the resignation of Prime Minister. Measures of the government worsening of women's lives.
Women, the Berlusconi government and the PD. A comparison can be based on facts and ideas that leads to a black book and a White Paper. Pages presented during a press conference in the House by the Secretary of the Democratic Party, Pier Luigi Bersani, the President of the National Assembly, Rosy Bindi, and the spokesman for the National Conference of Women Pd, Roberta Agostini. Bersani reiterated how " fundamental to the advancement of women also develop a country's economic, as well as for its growing population. Women should really be the protagonists and the extent of modification della società”.
Il Segretario ha ricordato che il prossimo 8 marzo saranno presenti oltre alle donne, tanti militanti e rappresentanti del Pd, per consegnare le firme raccolte in questi mesi per chiedere le dimissioni di Berlusconi. 10 milioni di firme raccolte in poco più di 30 giorni e l’8 marzo il Pd farà una manifestazione a Roma, e una delegazione consegnerà simbolicamente a Palazzo Chigi le firme con le quali il Pd chiede le dimissioni del presidente del Consiglio.
Intanto presentiamo tutte le norme del governo, che negli ultimi 3 anni hanno indebolito ed arretrato le donne in tema di assenza di servizi e di politiche del lavoro inesistenti. Dall’altro invece tutte le proposte elaborate dalle donne del Pd, per le donne e gli uomini del Paese, che dovranno fungere da “driver” per il Partito nella sua interezza, alcune delle quali sono già contenute nelle proposte di legge che i nostri deputati hanno presentato alle Camere, ma che sono state per la maggior parte respinte.
I democratici hanno illustrato tutti i provvedimenti che il governo ha preso e che hanno avuto ripercussioni negative sulla vita delle donne e le proposte the Democratic Party to improve the situation of women in Italy .
Female employment The number of employed women has remained at 46.4% against 60% who would have reached two years ago, according to the objectives set by the European Union in Lisbon.
key element to increase the female employment expansion services for young children, support for elderly and incapacitated. Also of concern is the number of inactive women. Today in Italy there are nine million and 679 thousand women who are not working and not studying having given up looking for work.
With regard to the condition in the workplace there are large disparities : for equal work with male colleagues, women earn on average 25-30% less, the presence of women on boards of listed companies amounted to only 6, 8%. The imbalance is even more unfair when you consider that, with regard to girls education far outweigh the boys (the graduates are 60% of all students arrive at the first degree and in kind with a score higher than their male colleagues.
The gender gap are the lagging behind , not only EU countries but also internationally, which places Italy in 72nd place, even in Ghana and Kazakhstan!
Resignation blank.
One of the first acts of the Berlusconi government was to abolish the law October 17, 2007, No. 188, on the resignation White, commissioned by the Prodi government in the protection of the weaker labor market, particularly women. The phenomenon of blank resignations is widespread, especially among small and medium-sized enterprises, where, especially women, are made at the time of signing the resignation, the employer can use in case of any worker's maternity leave.
The part-time in the public administration has been heavily penalized with greatly reduced the possibility of converting full-time employment from part-time. The Connected work (L.183/2010) has provided that the PA, may be subject to re-evaluate the part-time already granted, then those who have part-time will not necessarily keep it in the future.
Women and south.
The Finance Act 2008, the Prodi government had provided for a specific fiscal intervention in favor of women in the South, giving employers who increased the number of employees with permanent contracts in southern regions, a tax credit of € 333 for each worker employed, rising to € 416 for each worker. Not one euro has been introduced for this important measure in any financial measure of the Berlusconi government.
Female Entrepreneurship.
specific regulations were enacted during the previous term of the Prodi government in promoting women's entrepreneurship. The Fund for the business finance resources to specific initiatives for women entrepreneurs have not been refinanced by the government.
Article. 21, Linked work involves the actual dismantling of Committees for Gender Equality in the workplace , which are replaced by generic "single committee Guarantee per le pari opportunità, la valorizzazione del benessere di chi lavora e contro le discriminazioni”, che accumuna le pari opportunità ai problemi di mobbing ecc… ad oggi, peraltro, i decreti delegati necessari a dar vita ai nuovi organismi non sono ancora stati emanati e CPO esistenti, per effetto della norma, sono scaduti.
Pensione .
L’ultima legge finanziaria (Stabilità 2011), prevede l’innalzamento dell’età pensionabile per le donne dipendenti della Pubblica Amministrazione da 60 a 65 anni, che poi diventano 66, con l’introduzione della cosiddetta finestra scorrevole. Una disposizione che non ha nulla di egualitario se si pensa la totale mancanza di politiche di conciliazione tra i tempi di lavoro e i tempi di cura che grava sulle spalle delle donne.
La precarietà è donna, la flessibilità non aiuta. .
Questo è la drammatica dimensione delle lavoratrici del nostro secolo. Secondo gli ultimi dati Istat la permanenza delle donne nei contratti atipici ha effetti devastanti sia sui salari che sulle tutele nel campo del lavoro. La “maggiore flessibilità delle donne”, di cui parla il Ministro Sacconi significa che spesso le lavoratrici sono costrette to move from one to another atypical contrato, even in just 3 months of work. All this represents a step backwards in the slow progress towards achievement of gender equality in the workplace, totally ignored by the government in office.
Maternity .
Article. 9 of Law 53/2000 for the support of motherhood and fatherhood is a great achievement: flexible forms of time, a bank of hours, telecommuting, etc. .. the law provides that contributions are made to employers to encourage their reconciliation between work and life schedules. Even in this case, the Berlusconi government, despite the many demands of the group of PD, it has allocated € to develop and disseminate these important measures.
shares rose .
The presence of women on boards of directors of Italian companies is only 7%. A very small contribution if you think that the presence of women in Norway is 37.9%, Sweden 28.2, Finland 25 and Britain 13 percent.
In this framework should be added to the share of undeclared work, where women still represent the majority, and with the heavy crisi economica che attraversa il nostro Paese, rischia di accrescersi a dismisura.
Violenza sulle donne, cultura delle prevenzione, assistenza alle vittime .
Nel mondo 1 donna su 3 è stata, o è destinata ad essere, vittima di violenza fisica, sessuale o psicologica mentre il 70 % delle donne assassinate muore per mano di parenti. L’Italia non fa eccezione.
Sul territorio molto centri antiviolenza, sono costretti alla chiusura per mancanza di fondi: la riduzione dei trasferimenti a Comuni, Province e Regioni, a seguito delle rigide misure del Ministro Tremonti, colpisce in primo luogo l’intervento in social work and prevention. The law of 2011 does not provide funding stability for the fund anti-violence.
welfare cuts
expenditure in Italy for the welfare nearly 1.2% of GDP against 2.4% European average. The EU target is to get to cover at least 30% of the needs of nurseries at the national level, but our country is still 11%. The Prodi government had allocated, with the 2007 budget, much of € 727 million over 3 years to move the construction of kindergartens, in 2009 the Fund was reduced to 100 million while in 2010 and again this year, the government Berlusconi has not provided even one euro for childcare.
The Fund for social policies, can count on only 273 million this year against 929 in 2008, not to mention policies for families whose resources are reduced to 52 million compared with 346 three years ago. Zero euro this year for dependents who only last year could be around 400 million, while the youth policy have risen to 94 million in 2008 to 32 in 2011.
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The proposals of the Democratic Party The most recent studies of international organizations point out that support for participation in the Women's work is crucial not only for economic development and competitiveness, but also for the growth of civil and democratic countries. Apparently today in developed countries, unlike in the past, if women have fewer employment opportunities are fewer children.
Democratic Party has submitted several bills to extend the shock absorbers social staff also precarious, as well as the right to maternity and parental leave. All initiatives rejected by the Government which is limited only to one-off and for a restricted audience of workers.
Fiscal policies specifically aimed at encouraging women's employment practice on two fronts:
a) Measures aimed at supporting the income of working women:
b) targeted incentives to companies
measures aimed at supporting the income of workers The Connected work, art. 24, redefines the right to use paid leave, as provided by law 104 of 1992. Once again the rights - in this case its the weakest - are seen as a constraint and a cost for removal. The opposition of our group was very strong to the point that it was possible to limit the intervention Government, foreseeing that the parents of disabled children, in turn, use permits, thereby allowing the father and mother can alternate in the care of the child. support to motherhood is a fundamental pillar of the Democratic Party for women's employment: the recognition of maternity as a right of citizenship, with coverage equal to 100% of salary on funding from general taxation and extension to all forms of work.
To this are added :
introduzione di una detrazione fiscale per il reddito da lavoro delle donne in nuclei famigliari con figli minori;
l'incentivazione fiscale e sostegno della flessibilità oraria e del part time (reversibile e volontario); la copertura con contributi figurativi dei periodi di interruzione del lavoro correlati ad impegni di cura; l’assegno universale per i figli (3.000 euro per figli da 0 a 3 anni in sede di prima applicazione, riproporzionato al reddito) e il potenziamento della rete di servizi per l’infanzia;
l'incremento dell'indennità per il congedo parental voluntary, incentive for men and paternity leave compulsory foster the reconciliation of motherhood with the choice of maintaining employment;
public support assistance to the disabled supports the family in care of the heavy tasks that today fall mainly on women.
incentives aimed at businesses
The tax reform measures aimed at supporting the earnings lower (20% income tax rate 1) promote in the first place, as well as young people, workers and, through them, families: the pockets of povertà maggiori si annidano, infatti, nei nuclei monogenitoriali e nelle famiglie numerose con un solo reddito (quello maschile) disponibile. In particolare abbiamo proposto:
Credito di imposta per le imprese che assumono donne nelle aree del mezzogiorno.
Incentivi ai datori di lavoro (fiscalizzazione per 1 anno degli oneri sociali) che assumono donne che riprendano l'attività lavorativa dopo periodi dedicati alla cura.
Riqualificazione e rifinanziamento del Fondo nazionale per l’imprenditoria femminile e potenziamento della formazione professionale delle lavoratrici autonome.
Azioni di facilitazione e sostegno to credit and market capitalization for the new women-owned businesses.
Our bill to promote gender equality within the organs of administration and control of listed companies and companies with a majority public holding was first welcomed to the House and Senate but unfortunately the Government, has tabled amendments that change the effective implementation of a quota reserved by law for women in 2021!
But more generally, the Democratic Party proposes a culture of prevention and care. Why talk about human rights, above all means talk about women's rights. The approval of the law on stalking, sponsored by the PD, is an undeniable step forward, but remains quite inadequate if this is not accompanied by a culture of prevention and care.
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