Hello, As you may know from the media, today Japan è stato colpito da un violento terremoto e dallo tsunami che si è abbattuto sulle coste. Proviamo un profondo dispiacere per le vittime e una profonda preoccupazione per i danni che il terremoto e lo tsunami potrebbero provocare agli impianti nucleari. | |
Da notizie stampa apprendiamo che sono stati spenti venti reattori nucleari in quattro centrali e che finora non è segnalato alcun rilascio di radiazioni. Ci preoccupa in particolare la centrale nucleare di Fukushima, dove potrebbero essersi danneggiati i sistemi di raffreddamento dei reattori e deposits of radioactive waste. Even if they are stopped immediately, the reactors must be cooled and serve large amounts of water to avoid the risk of overheating and melting.
Although well-designed reactor is vulnerable to earthquakes and repair operations at a nuclear plant can take a long time and considerable costs. We will continue to monitor , hoping that the investigation of the impacts to facilities are conducted independently and communicated to the public.
fonte : http://www.greenpeace.it/
Terremoto in Giappone,
emergenza nuclear
Greenpeace expresses its condolences to the victims of the earthquake that struck Japan today. We are concerned about the damage that the earthquake and tsunami may have led to nuclear and other hazardous industries such as oil refineries and chemical products.
nuclear power plant in Japan. |
learn from press reports that have been turned off twenty four nuclear reactors in central and so far not reported any release of radiation. We are particularly concerned about the effects of the tsunami on nuclear installations, particularly on nuclear power plant in Fukushima, which could have damaged the reactor cooling systems and the deposit of radioactive waste . Even if they are stopped immediately, the reactors must be cooled and serve large amounts of water to avoid the risk of overheating and melting.
We continue to monitor a situation that is evolving rapidly . We hope that the investigations on the impacts to nuclear installations and the risks to the public and the environment are conducted independently and communicated to the public.
We continue to monitor a situation that is evolving rapidly . We hope that the investigations on the impacts to nuclear installations and the risks to the public and the environment are conducted independently and communicated to the public.
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