(Howard Marks in greenhouses of MrNice Seedbank, managed by Shantibaba) |
With extricate my career, my age and become wiser (apparently), I began to realize that certain personality is better with some plants than others . The work of the laboratory plants and rely on thinking in a structured and systematic and it is necessary ... In fact, early planning is looking at working from 6 to 8 months ahead. Many people are not good to wait or plan things well for the future, this is not a job for everyone. That is why in this article we will discuss the different personality types that hide behind that growers and plants.
Being open-minded is an essential quality for most things in life . If you do not want to miss any events it is important to hold on this quality. You'll be amazed to know how many of the people who seem open-minded, really are serious biases e opinioni dentro di loro. Il modo per combattere le sensazioni iniziali e le reazioni a cose che fanno scattare la rabbia dentro di noi, è cercare di fare l’opposto di quello che vi sentite di fare. Fate pratica e vedrete che gli impulsi si spengono e ne seguirà l’equilibrio.
As I enter a new secret place and examine the room in general, I see where organic material is left around, if things seem in order for the production, the health of plants, the smell air and its pressure, where chemicals are kept, how it's done the wiring, if they are sophisticated or amateur electricians, home to the air inlet and outlet, whether or not there are fans and if they are dirty, and a host of other details ... This is what my eyes see in the few seconds after entering a new environment. Then without thinking consciously, already understand the personality of the person I'm talking about. Over the years I've noticed four distinct types of personality that are working on plants or grow room. So I decided to make a list and described to the best of my ability.
The A personality type is overly active, multi-function, capable of doing everything, keep all the various rooms and facilities with organized programs of maintenance. This character usually has an eye for detail and always looking for ways to improve things and make them more efficient and streamlined. The delegation of tasks is a natural characteristic of this type of character. Everything seems to be inhaled and exhaled without too much stress. This person takes a lot of things in mind but write everything on paper and plan to increase the structure and the arc of time. It is usually a type of leader character, with a good perspective on all the small paintings that together comprise the big picture. People tend to ask for advice in this type of person ... Wisdom and practical efficiency are the words that sum up the best.
The B personality type is quiet, meticulous and systematic that it is almost like a shadow and in normal situations go unnoticed. This person is content watching the structures of the leaves and walking with a magnifying glass looking at the miniature plant kingdom, happy to be surrounded by plants rather than too many people. Strong focus on commissioning, he keeps the room very clean and organized. Highly analytical car to get to know the crop in front of him, is governed to a grower of plants and flowers of success. This character is the best coaching and learning by observing the mistakes of others, constantly doing research and gathering ideas from all areas of the plant kingdom.
The personality C is the smoker who wants to cultivate to get his medicine and learns to grow for reasons of necessity. This person is usually the kind of angry smoker who was motivated to buy a plant and some seeds because the His only alternative was the shit served on the black market at high costs. Tend to have strokes of luck with the crops according to external influences because the farmer is not something that comes naturally at the beginning. After a few successes this type of character can become a master and continue to be a hobby breeder, learning along the way with a lot of things happened on himself and his abilities. This category includes growers for medicinal purposes because many of them did not use cannabis before learning to cultivate in order to obtain their own medicines. The farm has a potential influence that changes the lives of these people in a positive and satisfactory manner. The
D personality is the occasional farmer who can learn to see the units and the systems behind a growing but that does not understand exactly what happened or is looking at research, because plant life is so alien to him. This person has a determined and diligent in the same manner as other types, but does not feel entirely confident about the world of flora. The stimulus for the production was initially for economic reasons and request for a finished product, which would normally involve a bit of impatience and this can lead to mistakes and failures. It is difficult for this type of farmer to be able to do really well if you can not see any units to make things easier, so in the end is really a lot to cultivate style game. But people reach the goal if they practice enough and if they have the potential to proceed to greater things. Many farmers and young novices tend to be described best through this type of personality.
These are general comments made by me during the course of several decades of observing, training and teaching to different kinds of people calling this new alternative. does not want anything to be a permanent standard personality in the work, and there are always exceptions to the rules enough. Where there is no regulatory real in a field of work, but instead a variety of used machinery is much more variety in the people attracted to the job, because there are fewer constraints on the workforce. This means that anyone can do this job, and believe me try all kinds and have success! I met with bankers and lawyers who have never touched a living thing in their lives and have become incredibly competent producers . I've seen the best farm workers who have developed from people who had nowhere to grow roots on a plant. The worst people with whom I have had to do were those who believed that the only how to grow a plant was the way they ...
Needless to say, failed the test of humor or open-minded from the outset and then were never destined to last, but these guys are in there all jobs. Personally I have achieved much in growing and flowering of cannabis but are particularly specialized in the cultivation of greenhouse darkening on a commercial scale. This means an incredible amount of manual work that requires manpower, training etc ...
Needless to say, failed the test of humor or open-minded from the outset and then were never destined to last, but these guys are in there all jobs. Personally I have achieved much in growing and flowering of cannabis but are particularly specialized in the cultivation of greenhouse darkening on a commercial scale. This means an incredible amount of manual work that requires manpower, training etc ...
So simplifying the personality in the relationship with the plants is fair to say that all people can learn to work sulle e con le piante . Alcuni tipi sono più a loro agio, competenti e pazienti di altri. Imparare i principi di base e permettere a una persona di comprendere come sviluppare uno stile che lavori per l’individuo lungo il percorso sono dei buoni consigli per coloro che stanno pensando di lavorare o eseguire coltivazioni. Ma la cosa più importante su cui fare attenzione è il modo in cui la pianta reagisce alla persona . Sarà facile vedere quali persone sono sensibili verso le piante, poiché queste ultime saranno le più salutari. Alla fine tutte le personalità del mondo potrebbero pensare di essere le migliori per il lavoro ma il giudice finale sarà sempre la pianta stessa della Cannabis!
Breeder della Mr Nice Seedbank. Tra i massimi esperti mondiali di genetiche e semi di cannabis. Padre di alcuni degli strain più famosi al mondo tra cui White Widow e Super Silver Haze.
Breeder della Mr Nice Seedbank. Tra i massimi esperti mondiali di genetiche e semi di cannabis. Padre di alcuni degli strain più famosi al mondo tra cui White Widow e Super Silver Haze.
fonte : http://www.enjoint.info/
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