Ho già parlato del nuovo tronista Marco Meloni per quanto riguarda la versione di Uomini & Donne detta " L'amore non ha età ". Oggi parlo del suo collega Gianfranco Apicerni , ventiseienne romano, non di primo pelo televisivamente parlando, avendo partecipato al reality calcistico di Italia 1 Campioni , in cui giocava come centrocampista. Ricordiamo that the former tronista and Giorgio Alfieri Giovanni Conversano came from that program, evidently regarded by Maria De Filippi as a reservoir of athletic Bonazzi where to find new candidates for the throne. Gianfranco
fact has already had a decent career as a footballer, having played in the spring of Lazio, wearing the blue-white jersey for three years (even if his team is the heart of Rome). Then he moved from Lazio to the team Savio where he remained for four years, reaching the final of the regional championship. Also in 2009 made an audition to play with the English team Portsmouth .
Gianfranco spent 12 years in football and his dream was to be able to continue on this road. He has participated in Champions reality precisely because he saw this as a good opportunity at both football and television.
currently studying marketing at university. Gianfranco but love sports more than studies and, by his own admission, the University is in third place among his interests, after sports and women ..
What do you think of the new tronista? Who do you prefer, or Marco Gianfranco?
a kid ...
Marco Meloni or Gianfranco Apicerni?
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