mercoledì 2 marzo h. 21 Cascina Autogestita Torchiera - milano
Mercoledì 16 febbraio si è svolto in Torchiera il primo incontro per realizzare a Milano un grande evento nel mese di giugno.
I presenti - Comitato NoExpo, Torchiera, Fornace, Seiv de Farm, Zam Racaille e numerose singolarità interested in everything - the choice of how they shared the initiative, which will tread the footprint of the northern European Climate Camp.
Now that the Expo starts operation and the impact will become real (and real become overbuilding, rents parasitic commuting even more impossible, increased job insecurity and life underground), now that ' metropolitan area will suffer the impact of the PGT and entire neighborhoods will be rebuilt as required by the building speculators to turn in, we must raise the level of social opposition.
In in our area a block of unscrupulous power has created a resilient and transverse (banks, speculators, CL, Formigoni League with the support when there is something in common Legacoop and political personnel attached) in a position to exercise pressure on citizenship and lead to liability as the natural state of life. For this reason, the challenge is great and commitment high.
The proposal to the city, the movement, the struggle is to create an event generated by the collaboration of different actors, collectives and individuals, able to combine knowledge, skills and willingness to achieve three days of initiatives and attack on the city showcase of speculation, privatization, insecurity and is a true example of environmental sustainability, not as Expo 2015, which makes it a strong point while not sustainable for our territory and those who lives there.
All built through a horizontal process, which is based on working groups which will work independently in part to the success of the event. No one expects the goodwill of the institutions with respect to such action, you should create the conditions for the individual NOEXPIRE Camp can exist and be productive, despite the aversion for sure we will, this will depend on the forces that will gather around the project in the coming months.
The Assembly sees action on the field as an area that resists and reacts to the monster Expo2015 with local but open to all similar struggles in different territories. In this sense, minimum objectives are the restoration of territorial networks, litigation, knowledge, struggles, creating an environment of social, collaborative practice and discussion.
Participation - Environmental Sustainability radical-Self-organization - to recover it.
Within Milan sarebbe la prima volta in cui, in maniera così ambiziosa, sono proposti e praticati questi argomenti all’interno di una tre giorni. Sono fondamentali un approccio inclusivo e l’apporto di tutte le energie che non vogliono accettare passivamente il modello di governance metropolitana. In questo senso il percorso di avvicinamento all’evento diviene ancor più importante dell’evento stesso. Per questo motivo dal prossimo incontro saranno proposti appuntamenti (sia tecnico-operativi sia divulgativi) potenzialmente in grado di mobilitare le energie fresche, solidali e propositive della città.

The next meeting will be held Wednesday, March 2 h. 21 Farmhouse Self-Governing Torchiera (18 p.le Cemetery, Milan)
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