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are occurring in recent times surreal and humiliating situations.
Siamo noi disabili i primi ad accettare le verifiche ed i controlli che vengono giustamente fatti nel caso di richiesta e ottenimento di questo tipo di erogazioni di contributi anche perchè in Italia ci sono stati molti abusi nell’assegnazione del denaro pubblico ai cosiddetti” falsi invalidi”. Ok, d’accordo, verifichiamo, scopriamo chi sono e castighiamo se viene appurato un falso, ma non possiamo accettare che chi davvero è affetto da gravi forme invalidanti deve elemosinare quella pensione da vergogna.
Io, ragazza 26 enne, disabile dalla nascita, non deambulante, obbligata a dipendere tutta la vita dagli altri, mi sono presentata il 21 febbraio 2011 for a visit to check on my disability, I have heard you say (there might be a withdrawal of payment services) in case the situation had improved. I thought I had misheard, and the first thought was: "but how? CT scan of the brain is clear, and is indicative of neurological damage, and also the situation of my life in a wheelchair el 'inability to perform daily acts of life are not sufficient to provide an exhaustive picture of the situation?? "
I have the impression that in some locations, medical staff in charge of making these tests has been "trained" not to approach significantly in order to explain these new requests, but rather to scare and threaten you with arrogance and rudeness as if you could possibly lose the misery that you receive every month! but how? How can a democratic country, which is part of the so-called "developed countries", things like that can happen??
When you, for years you are not able to cut a steak, mash potatoes, or tie you shoes, how can you accept that the doctor in charge (which you have never seen even now) knows your daily problems, and make speeches like that was your situation with such superficiality by you Thrilled ... You feel humiliated and made fun of, and anger inside you for years grows dramatically.
I am only thinking one thing ... if I were able to live a life equal to others, if I only could decide to leave the house without having to need someone to push my wheelchair, I would I to give up the little money they give me .... for my survival and do not expect the review of a "commission" with
Torque tube loose a frustrated doctor who knows why, and so I should not feel threatened or blackmailed because someone thinks I'm suddenly is healed.
It seems to me that the order from top left, look right to the scammers, but has not prepared physicians to conduct a humble and respectful to those who are truly disabled, unfortunately, not by choice.
I took just two hours and a little more, and while I was in the waiting room of the INPS in Turin during France 45 and was waiting to get into that room of forensic medicine and what I've heard from other patients showed me the creeps. What can I say, I have so much anger inside, it seems to me that it was light years away in a place where respect, courtesy and clarity are not even past.
Ringrazio per la Vostra attenzione ,saluto cordialmente.
Per qualsiasi informazione prego mettersi in contatto con me.
Gili Elisa
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