severely disabled or you are born you become , trauma or age, and who carries it often lives in a state of survival that upsets him themselves and their caregivers.
For 2011, the drastic budget cuts not bode well (probably lower than the expenditure of appropriations already approved) and at the same time ran aground on the proposed early retirement of the families of severely disabled and very serious ; that should have recognized as the arduous work done by carers dopo una normale giornata lavorativa. E dal 1° marzo 2011 è operativa la Circolare Inps n. 45 - che detta nuove disposizioni sui permessi retribuiti previsti dall’art.33 della L.104/92 emanata a seguito della L.183 del 4.11.2010 entrata in vigore il 24.11.2010 – che ho esemplificato al massimo ad uso di quei lettori che purtroppo ne fossero interessati.
La nuova legge :
1) specifica tassativamente la tipologia di soggetti legittimati a fruire dei permessi;
2) esclude l’alternatività tra più beneficiari per lo stesso soggetto , fatta salva l’ipotesi dei genitori di figli disabili ma always within the limit of three days;
3) no longer requires the requirements of the coexistence of continuity and exclusivity of ' assistance;
4) allows the employee to choose - if possible - the place of employment closer to home the person to be assisted;
5) provides that law permits the spouse, relatives and kin to the 2nd degree. For those of grade 3 must be satisfied certain conditions that we will see.
CONDITIONS The disabled person must have certification of disability with connotations of severity envisaged by article 3 paragraph 3 L.104/92 DISEASE Disabling are those set out in article 2 paragraph 1, letter D of the Ministerial Decree 278 of 21/07/2000 plus the categories of persons with Down syndrome and / or helplessness of war for which there is a simplified procedure. PERSONS ENTITLED TO A PERMIT TO ASSIST DISABLED FAMILY GRAVE - Spouse - Relatives and affinity within the second degree - Relatives and kin to the third degree.
The latter legislation applies only if the spouse and / or parents of disabled people) are age 65 years b) suffer from disabling diseases c) are dead or missing. "Missing" means a state of being natural and legal (celibacy, was the natural son of unrecognized divorce, legal separation, abandonment), certified by the AG or other public authority. For the relatives of the 3rd degree is a procedure more elaborate and is made to move there under consideration.
remember meanwhile kinship according to our code : kinship - 1st degree relatives: parents and children - 2nd degree relatives: grandparents, brothers, sisters, nephews (children of children) - Similar to a degree: in-law / a, daughter, son - Kindred grade 2: in-laws - Relatives of 3rd degree: great-grandparents, uncles, nephews (children of brothers and / or sisters) - Similar to grade 3: Zii acquired acquired grandchildren.
MODE ' USE OF OFFICIAL POSITION OF DISABILITY 'GRAVE (an alternative choice, but in months, not cumulative):
- 2 hours allowed per day for each day of the month;
- 3 full days of leave per month;
- 18 hours per month to be distributed in the days work split for a time equal to or more than one hour
OFFICIAL TO ATTEND A FAMILY AND PARENTS ASSISTING severely disabled child who is 'MORE THAN 3 YEARS WITH DISABILITIES' GRAVE (your choice but Alternatively, in the month, not cumulative):
- 3 days off per month
- 18 hours per month to be distributed in the days work split for a time equal to or greater ad un’ora GENITORI CHE ASSISTONO FIGLI DISABILI GRAVI DI ETA’ INFERIORE A 3 ANNI (a scelta ma alternativa nel mese e non cumulativa) - Prolungamento del congedo parentale retribuito fino al 3° anno di età del bambino, dopo aver fruito del congedo di maternità e del congedo parentale ordinario;
- 2 ore di permesso giornaliero
- 3 giorni di permesso al mese In questo caso i permessi, in alternativa ai genitori,possono essere richiesti anche dai parenti ed affini aventi diritto.
1) La richiesta di fruizione va presentata al proprio Direttore all’inizio del mese indicando la modalità di fruizione (è esclusa la fruizione mixed);
2) E 'can assist more people with disabilities and thus use permits cumulative
3) An employee may qualify for a severely disabled permits for himself and, when applicable, also to assist other family members he disabled person who has not paid the same day work;
4) The permits do not affect the holiday on 13 th, the incentive compensation;
5) permits the hours do not affect the entire working day shall be entitled to vouchers;
6) E 'provided the rules for part-time employees;
7) The person with severe disabilities should not risultare ricoverata a tempo pieno in strutture ospedaliere o simili a meno che:
a) via si interruzione di ricovero per portare il disabile a effettuare visite o terapie esterne;
b) il ricovero sia a tempo pieno per un disabile in coma vigile o situazione terminale;
c) il ricovero a tempo pieno riguardi un minore cui i sanitari della struttura hanno certificato il bisogno di assistenza da parte di un genitore o familiare.
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