The validity of a concept of Economic analysis shows how a political theorem built without taking into account the importance of different variables to risk of becoming a negative-sum game
Dagmawi is a Shadow Price
WHAT alloy a concept and a key feature of National Economy independent of the suffering related to illegal immigration to the European eldorado? Apparently, nothing. Unless you have been lucky enough to see it, this feature, and unless you have had the misfortune of next inquire into the practices this complaint. In a time when the other side of the Mediterranean is trying to write a new pagina della propria storia, anche l’Europa ha il dovere politico oltre che morale di interrogarsi sui propri errori.
La Memoria dei Migranti e la Razionalità dell’Economia
‘Come un Uomo sulla Terra’ è un documovie del 2008, prodotto da una ONG italiana, Lunaria, in collaborazione con Amnesty International. E’ ideato e girato da Dagmawi Yimer, un etiope richiedente asilo stabilitosi da qualche anno a Roma. Il suo racconto, partendo dalla facoltà di giurisprudenza di Adis Abeba, dove egli studiava, si dipana lungo le rotte tracciate dai migranti, tra deserto and merchants men, fake passports and endless bullying.
‘Come un Uomo sulla Terra’ è un documovie del 2008, prodotto da una ONG italiana, Lunaria, in collaborazione con Amnesty International. E’ ideato e girato da Dagmawi Yimer, un etiope richiedente asilo stabilitosi da qualche anno a Roma. Il suo racconto, partendo dalla facoltà di giurisprudenza di Adis Abeba, dove egli studiava, si dipana lungo le rotte tracciate dai migranti, tra deserto and merchants men, fake passports and endless bullying.
A race for survival to the hope, often choked on arrival in North Africa, before the penultimate obstacle hard overloaded boats that ply the Mediterranean Sea every day. In particular, the film focuses on Libya, Morocco, together with the main hub of the thriving industry of migration and place of brutal repression and harsh for migrants. Here, an attempt to build a collective memory of being a migrant intersects with the political reality of the relationship between the regime of Muammar Gaddafi's political and bureaucratic Brussels and the equipment, revealing obvious omissions and contradictions in the policies of proximity.
at this point is a must introduce the second element of this treatise, that relating to the concept of shadow price , or shadow price. In economics, a shadow price is a price that reflects the use value of certain property in terms of benefit to individuals and net of any distortions caused by taxation, transaction costs and other disturbing elements. A price determined as those of the market tends to reverse in the presence of asymmetries or externalities does not incorporate in an automatic way within the mechanisms of fixation price-led market.
For example, the much-debated Kyoto Protocol is a method aimed at creating a market for emissions of polluting gases that aims to affect prices of industrial output in order to internalize the social costs of pollution. The Kyoto Protocol is at present largely disregarded, but in many other situations, the concept of shadow price, while not giving rise to formalized by the Treaty of economics, is central in determining the terms of trade.
full regard to the riots that are disintegrating the internal political structure of our immediate neighbors, one wonders if the obvious forcing the proposal to top of this article can help provide an explanation for effective EU Dangerous Liaisons established with the likes of Ben Ali and Gaddafi, starting from one of the central issues that has gained a significant debate over the last 20 years of euro-Mediterranean , or that the fight against illegal immigration.
Dangerous Liaisons
Right in the center of the country reports from real civil war, Libya, is the nation more than any other was able to "monetize" its willingness to act as a dam to migratory flows from sub-Saharan Africa. Availability oil and iron fist on migrants were the weapons used by the elite Libya's international isolation as a crowbar to get out the subsequent massacre of Lockerbie. Indeed, between 2005 and 2010, the political skill of Muammar Gaddafi has been to transform even the theme in a word of advice that has encouraged new investment opportunities.
Right in the center of the country reports from real civil war, Libya, is the nation more than any other was able to "monetize" its willingness to act as a dam to migratory flows from sub-Saharan Africa. Availability oil and iron fist on migrants were the weapons used by the elite Libya's international isolation as a crowbar to get out the subsequent massacre of Lockerbie. Indeed, between 2005 and 2010, the political skill of Muammar Gaddafi has been to transform even the theme in a word of advice that has encouraged new investment opportunities.
One example is the visit in October 2010 of a French delegation to Tripoli, which has laid the foundation for subsequent agreements worth a total of over two billion dollars with the Jamāhīriyya. One of the central provisions of the memorandum of agreement related to the renewed commitment by Libya in the fight against crime and in the contrast of the chain that make profit on it. Even Italy, a few months ago, Gaddafi had hosted in person by treating him as a guest of honor and the privilege of allowing him even to pitch his tent outside the Villa Pamphili.
On that occasion, as well as numerous business contacts, the parties had ratified a treaty of friendship which put an end to the colonial question of repairs, with over 5 billion dollars put on the table by the Berlusconi government to build a 'Highway in the Libyan land. In return il colonnello si era in prima persona impegnato ad intensificare i controlli sulle rotte dei migranti, in particolare incrementando la pratica dei pattugliamenti congiunti italo-libici nel Mediterraneo, già operativi dal 2007.
L’Unione Europea ha sempre visto con favore questo tipo di approccio diplomatico, seguendo l’idea che la democratizzazione e la sensibilizzazione sui temi dei diritti umani potesse essere favorita da meccanismi di cooperazione rafforzata atti a stimolare autoriforme dei regimi politici Nordafricani. Sin dalla fine degli anni novanta, gli organismi comunitari si sono mossi seguendo questa linea guida e richiedendo in cambio anche una responsabilizzazione della sponda Sud del Mediterranean in the management of migration flows. As reported by several NGOs, immigration is a factor, however, soon became predominant in initiatives for the Mediterranean, partly because of the growing sensitivity of European public opinion towards the issue.
Loss of suburbia
So, at dawn on February 20 last year, while in Cyrenaica and Tripoli intensified protests from the Libyan people and the violent repression of loyalists Gaddafi, in many European chancelleries embarrassment, already at alert levels after the riots in Tunisia and Egypt, had skyrocketed, justifying the weak and sometimes confused babble for a few days has been the hallmark of continental immobility.
So, at dawn on February 20 last year, while in Cyrenaica and Tripoli intensified protests from the Libyan people and the violent repression of loyalists Gaddafi, in many European chancelleries embarrassment, already at alert levels after the riots in Tunisia and Egypt, had skyrocketed, justifying the weak and sometimes confused babble for a few days has been the hallmark of continental immobility.
These riots are causing "the loss of the edge" (also written by a teacher as authoritative as Giampaolo Casts Novati), resulting in breakage of the hinge of stability built in southern Europe, primarily using the instrument of the ENP, European Neighbourhood Policy. A common framework to "manage change" with policies to contain the damage caused by the possible establishment of theocracies in North Africa and the Middle East, but also a place to strengthen the foundations fragili di una politica sull’immigrazione contraddittoria e spesso inefficace.
Per anni l’Unione Europea ha investito molto per puntellare regimi per nulla democratici al fine di proteggersi dall’afflusso massiccio di immigrati. Ancora nell’ottobre 2010, i commissari europei agli affari interni e alle politiche di vicinato, Cecilia Maalstrom e Stefan Fule, erano a Tripoli a ratificare il Memorandum d’intesa UE-Libia, definito dagli stessi “una pietra miliare nella lotta al traffico di esseri umani ed uno dei primi passi ufficiali verso il riconoscimento del diritto d’asilo in Libia”. Peccato che il colonnello, neanche due anni prima, avesse asserito che gli africani color are not entitled to political asylum "because" only tell lies and lies "and why" live in the forests. "
However, there was a preliminary approval, complete with a 50 million euro put on the scales from the bodies. As agreements were concluded with other countries in the region, raising the EU budget policies in the neighborhood to more than € 2 billion a year. A significant part of this river of money was used to finance projects of return migrants in the country of origin, as in the case of the framework the EU-Algeria 2007-2013.
But many more are funds that the EU has made available the area of \u200b\u200bNorth Africa in a perspective of more or less tacit exchange between development aid and migration management. For example, in the Granada conference between the EU and Morocco in March 2010, the creation of a free trade area between Europe and the North African country has been virtually tied to the adoption of measures that make easier the practice of readmissions, which falls on the soil of the Moroccan illegal immigrants have entered illegally into Europe from the same North African state, although of a different nationality.
agreements are very similar in late-stage study Tunisia and also in countries with less "porous" as Syria in the near future, the EU plans to put in some initiative agenda. What's more, these negotiations are then added to all bilateral agreements sealed by individual EU member states with the countries of North Africa, where often the terms of trade is represented by investments and loans - or the opening of national markets to fund sovereigns, such as Libya - against law enforcement mechanisms and migration control.
the European paradox
the height of the revolution that is shaking the Arab world, the king is naked even in Old Europe. An expensive policy, which relates to troubled characters attracted criticism from NGOs and civil society on both sides of the Mediterranean, but, above all, sacrifice the rule of law on the altar of realpolitik. A true internalization of the management of migration flows within the mechanisms of foreign trade in the euro-Mediterranean area, which has helped to increase the economic value of willingness to cooperate on the part of the North African regimes, causing unfortunately resulting distortions in the "price "political and ethical issues that Europe was willing to pay.
the height of the revolution that is shaking the Arab world, the king is naked even in Old Europe. An expensive policy, which relates to troubled characters attracted criticism from NGOs and civil society on both sides of the Mediterranean, but, above all, sacrifice the rule of law on the altar of realpolitik. A true internalization of the management of migration flows within the mechanisms of foreign trade in the euro-Mediterranean area, which has helped to increase the economic value of willingness to cooperate on the part of the North African regimes, causing unfortunately resulting distortions in the "price "political and ethical issues that Europe was willing to pay.
Dagmawi e quelli come lui, arrivati in Europa dopo mille peripezie ed altrettante sofferenze, avranno provato di certo una forte empatia nei confronti dei giovani protagonisti del “1989 arabo”; sensazioni meno confortanti invece, avranno avvertito osservando le contraddittorie iniziative dell’Unione Europea in materia di immigrazione, diritto d’asilo, gestione delle frontiere. Chi riesce a vincere la lotteria dell’asilo politico o del visto lavorativo sarà certamente sottoposto alle tutele della rule of law e del welfare europeo.
Tuttavia, non potrà non serbare dentro di sé il rancore per essere stato spesso trattato by the Europeans themselves as an economic problem to be solved by offering a higher price than necessary-just a shadow price-for those who had strength and cunning necessary to grasp this opportunity, thus confirming the validity of a concept of economic analysis but also proving a theorem as politically constructed without taking into account the importance of different variables to risk of becoming a negative-sum game.
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