Monday, March 7, 2011

The North Face Ross Kemp

Aids shock. Barbara Ensoli of the complaint to Business: "We are infecting prostitutes

di Raffaele Gambari

La sua sembra una favola ma è realtà. Ricercatrice affermata in America è riuscita a tornare, dopo 10 anni, in Italia con un concorso e a guidare la guerra all'Hiv-Aids. È la storia dell'immunologa Barbara Ensoli, 51 anni, di Latina, laurea in medicina e chirurgia all'università La Sapienza, divorced, a son of almost 18 years who wanted to grow up in Italy, director of the National AIDS Centre of the Higher Institute of Health. From Rome, on behalf of this public body conducting the testing of the Tat vaccine, discovered in the laboratories of Viale Regina Elena, which blocks the HIV-AIDS. Now this vaccine tested in 11 Italian clinical centers on 128 patients who will become 160, will be tested in South Africa, as anticipated in Affaritaliani Ensoli, under the heading "Rome will be" Raffaele Gambari.


is true that sometimes this scientist, who is part of society and national and international committees, has gone back to do research abroad, especially when he has difficulty finding the funds to continue his work, but every time I look and decides to stay in public doing research in Italy. "

The decision to return - to trust Ensoli Affaritaliani - was not easy but my ethical sense has prevailed and love il mio Paese. Quando ho difficoltà a trovare i fondi necessari per la ricerca sono tentata di mollare tutto e tornare in America, ma ci ripenso sempre”. Questa ricercatrice pubblica, che guadagna 3.400 euro al mese, mentre in Europa ne guadagnerebbe il doppio, figuriamoci in America, ad Affaritaliani racconta che purtroppo si è ridotta notevolmente l'attenzione sull'Aids, come se questa pandemia globale non fosse più un problema, mentre invece “ha cambiato anche fisionomia, nel senso che l'età media si è alzata e colpisce tutti, giovani e anziani” e che “tutti coloro che non hanno rapporti sessuali protetti sono ad alto rischio”. E sfata alcune false credenze: se la prostituzione incide sicuramente nella transmission of AIDS, "very often we have immigrants who come here are infected and not infected." As if to say, foreign prostitutes to infect us.

At what point is the phase II trial of a vaccine against HIV-Aids testing that she is working for the National Institute of Health? Funding, we serve 21 million € and had obtained 13 from the Ministry of Health, at what point are they?
"Phase II clinical trial of vaccination with TAT stands for concludersi.I results are very encouraging in the sense that the immune system of patients on antiretroviral therapy, severely compromised by HIV, they tend to recover and, consequently, tends to decrease the development of new ones, serious illnesses that are considered the primary cause of many complications related to infection. We are very happy and quick, we will start a similar trial in South Africa. In view of these positive results, the regulatory bodies responsible for overseeing the trial have approved an amendment to the clinical protocol, which now allows the recruitment of people with greater immunosuppression and extent of the number of study participants from 128 to 160 people. For some patients the trial is already over, but we continue to keep them under observation in what is called the phase of follow-up. "In Italy, there are 11 clinical centers involved in the trial that was sponsored by 'Istituto Superiore di Sanita, and financed by special funds of the Ministry of Health. "

How can a city like Rome, it is true that record of excellence in health care and research as evidenced by his work to achieve the highest goals at national and international working in a health disaster, however, where the cuts on public health, which must also be days on gurneys in the hallways or in the acceptance of a hospital before being admitted to the wards, they are heavy? I make this question because one of the eleven clinical centers in Italy, where the vaccine is experienced in Rome is at the San Gallicano. You, too, Institute of Health have been hit by cuts imposed by the State plan to return to the regions and research?
"It 's a different thing from what she describes and, unfortunately, familiar. When conducting a clinical trial in humans, we must follow very strict procedures and monitored by regulatory agencies, in which case AIFA is the Italian Drug Agency. You can do the testing only in accredited medical centers, which are able, both in terms of facilities that have the specialized training of personnel, to conduct a clinical trial at the highest levels of "good clinical practice." Everything has to be conducted to the highest standard of quality. What I regret is that among the 11 active clinical centers throughout the country, we have centers in most of the South and the Islands. The only one I have is only in Bari "

I have the impression that the focus on AIDS has declined in terms of public opinion, as if we removed this disease, beginning with the mass media, that many years ago had made an important topic on a daily basis, giving the split the life of a city, from sexual behavior to the lives of addicts. What is the picture of AIDS that comes out of this city and the rest of Italy?
"It is true, the focus on AIDS has decreased significantly, as if AIDS was no longer a problem, however, remember that it is always a pandemic, it is always a serious health problem populations. The cases of new infections do not tend to decline and there is not enough information and training. It is believed that AIDS is a disease in Africa and other countries whereas, in a globalized world, is present everywhere. He also changed appearance, in the sense that the average age has risen, it has become mainly a disease of heterosexual transmission and affects everyone, young and old. All those who do not have safe sex are at high risk. First it was a disease mainly affecting homosexuals and drug users, usually young people, is now basically a heterosexual disease where everyone is at risk if they practice unprotected sex. A man of 60-65 years is also at risk of contracting HIV / AIDS a boy or a girl of 17 years. E 'common to all cities, but the most affected regions are certainly in order, Lombardy and Lazio. "

and prostitution, as it affects?
"definitely affected, no doubt, so much so that very often we have immigrants who come here become infected and uninfected with problems associated with poverty, prostitution and lack of information. It was thought that they would carry the infection, is not that, sometimes, some people can also become infected from us. We must be always very careful not to generalize on the basis of prejudices and stereotyped beliefs. "

What do you think the Catholic church's position against the use of condoms? A current case is that of a teacher of religion to which the ecclesiastical authorities did not renew the chair because he had supported the introduction of a distributor of condoms in high school in Rome.

"I am an engineer and I speak as a coach and therefore I think that it is necessary to use condoms. Among other things, a condom protects other sexually spread diseases besides HIV / AIDS, for example, hepatitis, gonorrhea and syphilis, which is again increasing. "

She graduated from the University of Rome, worked as an immunologist at the same university for 10 years and moved then to do research in the United States. It seems like a fairy tale in a country where public research, as witnessed young university researchers climbed on the roofs to expose their insecurity and challenge the university reform, is a almost impossible, where young graduates can not find space and must go abroad to get a salary and a decent life at least. As has been able to return to Italy? There was a moment that felt like back in the U.S.?
"I returned to this country in order to transfer to the Italian research my" wealth of knowledge and the method of doing research acquired in the United States. He did everything my brother was a competition director at the Institute of Health and he has made all the necessary documents. I said 'let's try, it costs nothing,' and instead I have successfully passed. Even my brother was in America, worked many years with me, he is back in Italy, he is a doctor, a physician-researcher. The decision to return was not easy, however, prevailed, but my sense of ethics and love for my country. I also decided that my son would grow up in Italy. As you can imagine, in terms of personal economic collapse was compared with the treatment I received in America. Not only that, as we know, in Italy, it is very difficult to raise the funds needed for research and then, when I meet these difficulties, I am tempted to drop everything and go back to America, but I think about it forever. The work that I have set is very involved and so many excellent Italian researchers to which I transferred the method to be acquired for me to do research in a new way: we search transactional, that we intend to bring the results from the laboratory bench to the bedside. "

How much a month?
"Tremilaquattrocento €, including the allowance of the Director of the Centre, with all responsibility that this entails. I'd rather have a fixed-term contract, where a person is evaluated for its results, and in view of the basis for the renewal, and have a salary equivalent, without telling the Americans, but at least those in Europe, that are at least two times higher than what people of my status get in Italy. "

What advice would you give to a young medical graduate who just wants to be a researcher?
"Research is a wonderful thing but not so profitable. In Italy, unfortunately, it is difficult to search public and private is a different world because the funds are higher and wages are higher. But, again, in Italy wages are really low, there are adequate facilities and a few little funds to work. It 's a purely individual decision because it is a life of sacrifice in which the love of research must prevail over the difficulties. "

Always close the interviews for the book" Rome will be "wondering what will or as might be the future of this city. To her wonder: what will the future of Health in Rome?
"In Rome, Italy as in all, good health is very expensive. Obviously, the cuts, which are government or the regions, no doubt reduce the quality of care, but I'm optimistic by nature and I think everyone should be committed per garantire il bene primario per tutti i cittadini: la salute e il diritto ad essere curati”.


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