Excellent news if it were not ... that the company choice for
energy supply produces much ell'elettricità
from coal. If you think so that an innovative company like Facebook should be engaging in the forefront of the fight against climate change, click "I Like" on page Unfriend Coal . The challenge that we have launched a Facebook is to announce a plan to become carbon-free by April 22, on the occasion of Earth Day.
Ask Facebook to "remove from friends" Coal and Coal Unfriend share on your profile.
source: http://www.greenpeace.it/
The people of renewable
One of those days never forget the faces, the passion of the thousands of people who came today in Rome at the Teatro Quirino. All to shout their anger towards a government that has killed at one stroke in an Italy's hopes in a more green and sustainable jobs and sustainable . Hope to believe in a country finally free from the bondage of oil and gas in the hands of the dictator in office funded by some Western intelligence agencies.
energy supply produces much ell'elettricità
from coal. If you think so that an innovative company like Facebook should be engaging in the forefront of the fight against climate change, click "I Like" on page Unfriend Coal . The challenge that we have launched a Facebook is to announce a plan to become carbon-free by April 22, on the occasion of Earth Day.
Ask Facebook to "remove from friends" Coal and Coal Unfriend share on your profile.
source: http://www.greenpeace.it/
The people of renewable
Let us be clear: the Decree of the Minister of Romania is a crap! pretext of transposing a European directive that sets binding targets for renewable energy by 2020, have introduced una serie di incertezze in grado di bloccare ogni nuovo investimento in questo settore.
Dal palco del Quirino i relatori hanno spiegato le cifre del settore delle rinnovabili : oltre 14 miliardi di euro movimentati negli ultimi anni, l'1% del Pil, lavoro concreto per decine di migliaia di ragazzi e ragazze in tutta Italia, oltre il 20% di energia elettrica prodotta con le rinnovabili.
Dal palco del Quirino i relatori hanno spiegato le cifre del settore delle rinnovabili : oltre 14 miliardi di euro movimentati negli ultimi anni, l'1% del Pil, lavoro concreto per decine di migliaia di ragazzi e ragazze in tutta Italia, oltre il 20% di energia elettrica prodotta con le rinnovabili.
Numeri impressionanti che evidentemente spaventano i grandi oligopolisti di questo Paese, Enel ed Eni su tutti .
Il tentativo di fermare il cambiamento del sistema energetico non gets its way. Those guys, who came from all over Italy without even being able to enter the theater already too full, it will prevent at all costs and go through and with them, you can swear on this, we will also Greenpeace!
Il tentativo di fermare il cambiamento del sistema energetico non gets its way. Those guys, who came from all over Italy without even being able to enter the theater already too full, it will prevent at all costs and go through and with them, you can swear on this, we will also Greenpeace!
Domenico Belli, head of the Sustainable Energy and Climate
source: http://www.greenpeace.org/
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