Marian Kurpanov , is the man with whom the Hungarian model Szilvia Miskolczi cheating boyfriend Andrea Cocco while they stood locked in the house of GF11 .
Marian, guest today Sunday 5 of Federica Panicucci , was subjected to "lie" from which it emerged that basically did not lie, except on small details, such as the fact that it no longer met by Szilvia bet last Monday of GF (actually have crossed in the agency they work for), and yet the fact that it had told this story to be returns in terms of popularity (in fact it has done for this ..) .
Anyone following the evening of Monday GF knows that, after allegations of gieffina gossiparo Roberto Manfredini , recentemente eliminato dal televoto, si è presentato in puntata il modello bulgaro Marian Kurpanov, uno dei tre angels del reality Missione Seduzione by Lory Del Santo , dichiarando di essere lui l'uomo con il quale Szilvia tradiva l'italo-nipponico Andrea.
Pensare che quando Roberto, ancora all'interno della casa, aveva insinuato il sospetto di tradimento da parte di Szilvia, tutti gli avevano dato contro, e forse la sua stessa messa in nomination e la successiva eliminazione furono in parte anche dovute alla sua fama di quello che mette zizzania..
Invece, a quanto pare, il nostro aveva ragione.
Lory Del Santo with his angels Mission Seduction: Francesco Allegra, Gianmaria Pellegrini and Marian Kurpanov
According to the version narrated by Marian, it would seem that he had started attending Szilvia about six months ago, so well before the entrance of the house of Andrea GF . Andrew, always traveling on business for its business model, of course knew nothing. So far nothing strange story of normal horns. The strange aspect of the story is the fact that not even he knew that Marian was engaged to Andrea Szilvia: practically the girl was his girlfriend for six months with two men at once, without one knowing the other! Possible?
To confirm the version of the same Marian Lory Del Santo, which, by the weekly Intervis TOP about the affair, said Szilvia was submitted by Marian as his girlfriend the night between 2 and 3 November at the disco last The Club of Milan, where the cast of Mission Seduction celebrating the launch of reality:
" There were embraced and kissed passionately all the time "
The event organized @ The Club of Milan for the launch of the program
So Andrea cuckold? Officially, yes, but in reality we know that also manages two simultaneous engagements bell'Andrea: an official with Szilvia and the other (hidden) with the former roommate's house GF Matthew Casnici , as I said on this blog.
Again, the two knew each other well before entering the house ..
I have my own version of events, of course, is only an opinion, not having known the people involved. Well my version is: Szilvia is just a friend Andrea, who is engaged to Matthew. Since it is necessary to appear before the television audience with a girlfriend woman, Szilvia is passed for that. She is happy to oblige, for the friendship that binds to Andrea, but obviously she has the right to have a real boyfriend and not a facade, and he is our Kurpanov Marian.
There seems plausible? In my opinion it is, and I am convinced that it is not far from reality ..
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